Astro Isha

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Brief Intro

Saturn is popularly known as Shani in vedic astrology. Saturn is classified as a eunuch and is considered servant among the planets. Saturn is slow but methodical, humble, focused, disciplined and hard working. Saturn rules the west direction and has excess of air element. Color of Saturn is black. Saturn's vimshottari dasha runs for ninteen years.

Saturn is a stern teacher who teaches an individual about his/her limitations and how to overcome them. Saturn is the overseer of an individual's karma and gives good or bad fruits associated with them. Saturn is considered cruel as he gives struggles, losses and failures. But in reality Saturn wants to teach humility, grace, patience and art of letting go to an individual.

Exaltion Sign

Saturn is exalted in Libra. Highest exaltion degree is 20°

Debilitation Sign

Saturn is debilitated in Aries. Lowest debilitation degree is 20°.


Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius Sign. Saturn's moola trikona sign is 0° to 20° in Aquarius.


Saturn owns Pushya, Anuradha and Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatras.


To strengthen Saturn one must wear blue sapphire(neelam) in right hand middle finger.

Maturity Age

Saturn is said to mature at 36 years of age.


Saturn considers Mercury, Venus, Rahu and Ketu as his friends.


Saturn considers Sun, Moon and Mars as his enemies.


Saturn remains neutral towards Jupiter.


Saturn represents iron, winter, oil and petroleum products, delays, scarcity, oppression, famine, fear, old age, misery and poverty.

Associated Foods

Saturn is associated with black urad(vigna mungo), oils especially castor and mustard oil, black sesame, black fuits like jamun, grapes etc.

Body Parts

Saturn represents bones, teeth and knee joints.

Positive Traits

Saturn gives discipline, dedication, focus, methodical approach and hard working nature. Saturn gives humble attitude and infinite patience which ensure long-term success.

Negative Traits

Saturn gives negativity, pessimism, depression and hopelessness. Saturn makes a person nihilistic and boring.


A weak Saturn may lead to tooth decay and gum problems. Chances of RCT are high due to weak Saturn. Those with weak bones and multiple fractures in lifetime may have weak Saturn. Saturn causes blockage and thinning. Heart blockage, thinning of urethra, constipation, stones in kidneys, pancreas, bladder, urinary tract and other parts of body are all possible due to Saturn. Saturn can also cause blockage in arteries and veins.

Those with IBS, restlessness, hypertension, flatulence and other disease related to Vatta Dosha may have weak Saturn. Saturn can also cause mental disorders especially depression, anxiety and phobias. Saturn represents joints and generally weak Saturn is involved in joint pain and joint replacement surgery.

Associated Career

Saturn is slow, methodical, hard working and patient. Saturn can give an excellent career in Information Technology as a coder, tester, app/website developer, database administrator, dbms, data analytics, chip design, development and manufacturing, hardware and software engineering as well as software management. Saturn represents oil and can give an excellent career in petroleum and refinaries, coal production and biofuels. In medical field careers related to dentist, orthopedic, pain relief and surgeries which require minute attention to detail are generally ruled by Saturn. Saturn can also provide excellent career as a politician or social worker who has to deal with poor, marginalised, downtrodden and outcast. Saturn may even provide a career in old age homes and in disaster management.

Saturn is significator of service and gives much better results in service oriented business. Business related to IT service is highly suited. Other business include petroleum and petroleum products, petroleum refinaries, selling medical products especially related to bones, knee joints and teeth. One can also open private practise as a surgeon especially orthopedic surgeon, pain relief or dentist. One can also start an old age home or an organisation which helps in disaster and debt management.


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