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aquarius 2023 yearly prediction
General Prediction

aquarius     Core phase of Sade-Sati starts which will negatively impact mental health, relation with siblings and neighbors, communication, marriage, business, career and relationship with father. Aquarians looking to marry and settle down have better time after April.

     Time after October is troublesome for career due to influence of Saturn and Rahu. Foreign higher education aspirants should go in September 2023 intake. Business prospects can improve slowly although time until October advises some caution.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Aquarius Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Aquarius Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will be in second house in own-sign Pisces until 22nd April 2023. Afterwards it moves into third house which has friendly Aries Sign and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn moves out of twelfth house which has Capricorn Sign after 17th January 2023. Thereafter it starts the core phase of Sade-Sati when it moves into ascendant which has own-sign Aquarius and stays there for rest of the year.
  • Rahu will be in third house until 30th October 2023 which has Aries Sign. Afterwards it moves via retrograde transit into second house which has Pisces Sign and stays there for rest of the year.

  • Not the best year at workplace with delays and disappointments possible. Jupiter's influence can help until May.
  • Relationship with bosses, co-workers and subordinates is negatively impacted. Time after October is especially troublesome.
  • Aquarians looking for government and MNC jobs have better prospects before May due to Jupiter.
  • Those involved in service roles have better prospects until May. After October problems are indicated.
  • Promotions and pay raise are more likely after April once Jupiter start aspecting house of gains.
  • Those with contractual jobs and unsteady income sources can see troubles whole year although some relief is possible after May.

  • Saturn and Rahu's influence can be tough for business and partnership. Jupiter after April maybe able to negate some of the bad effects.
  • Those wishing to open or expand business should do so after May. Starting partnership business is less advised.
  • Hospital, pharma and service sector business can see progress until May. After October Rahu can create problems in these sectors.
  • Communication, mobiles, management, consultancy, spiritual and offshore businesses are negatively impacted by Saturn and Rahu.
  • Business profits see gradual increase and time after May is ideal due to Jupiter's influence. There are chances of record profits after October especially around festival seasons.

  • Jupiter until May is ideal for long-term investments in gold, index/mutual funds, tax-saver schemes and keeping hidden assets.
  • Stock markets have no bad influence so long term investment is ideal. Risky trading and gambling are ill-advised after October.
  • Real estate business has no major influence so buying, selling and renting land assets is ideal all year round.
  • Income can see stoppages until October due to influence of Rahu although Jupiter may negate some of the effects after April.
  • Debts are possible after October due to health, loans, gambling and court cases.
  • Chances of receiving alimony, inheritance or settlement money are more until May. After October there are chances of losing money in court cases.

  • Marriage would have misunderstandings and ego issues for most parts of the year due to Saturn and Rahu.
  • Jupiter's influence after April can help couples sort out issues via constructive dialogues.
  • There are no major influence which effects relationship with children. Those planning parenthood should try delivery after October if possible.
  • Relationship with in-laws and family can be strained after October.
  • Long-distance romantic travels are better after Mid-January. Avoiding short-distance travels is ideal atleast until October.
  • Those who have already filed for divorce can see an amicable separation until May. After October there can be bitter divorce.

  • There are no major influence which can trouble lovers although time between Mid-March to Mid-May 2023 requires some caution.
  • Those who wish to marry and settle down have a favorable year after April due to aspect of Jupiter.
  • Aquarians looking for new love interest can try in month of March and May.
  • Its better for lovers to avoid short-distance travels and go on long-distance trips until May.


  • There are no major influence which trouble students in schools and colleges. Having said that good grades won't come easy due to Sade-Sati core phase.
  • Masters and Post Grad students have difficulties focusing. Even those studying abroad have tough time atleast until May.
  • Phd. and research student have an ideal year after Mid-January once Saturn moves out of twelfth house.
  • Students who have to write and defend a thesis have a tough year ahead. Essential that they regularly backup their work.
  • Those seeking knowledge have an ideal year with no major influence. Those looking to pass competitive exams have better chance until May.


  • Saturn can cause anxiety, depression and other mental ailments to increase after it moves into your own-sign.
  • Those with chest problems and lung infections can see their condition worsen due to influence of Rahu and Saturn.
  • Chances of problems in lower back, kidneys and urinary tract not ruled out. Stones in kidney and urinary tract as well as UTI are also possible.
  • Hospital stay, several medical tests and loss of savings not ruled out especially for those with obesity and liver problems./li>
  • Those with IBS(Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and GERD need to avoid stress otherwise their symptoms will grow worse.
  • Chances of food poisoning, early ageing, piles and skin problems not ruled out during course of the year.
Jupiter's Transit


  • Jupiter until May would be ideal for long-term investments in gold, index/mutual funds, tax-saver schemes and keeping hidden assets.
  • Jupiter would also favor job seekers to get jobs in government and MNC's. On the downside those with obesity and liver problems can see hospital stay.
  • Jupiter via constructive dialogues can help improve relation with others and negate the enmity and differences caused by Rahu and Saturn.
  • Jupiter after April is ideal to open or expand business and partnership although some care is advised due to Rahu and Saturn's influence.
  • Those who wish to marry and settle down have a favorable time after April while couples and lovers can go on romantic travels.
  • There are better chance of promotion, pay raise and increase in business profits after April. Time after October is especially favorable.
Saturn's Transit


  • Core phase of Sade-Sati starts and next few years can be tough for mental and physical health especially those who have excess stress.
  • Relationship with spouse, siblings, neighbors, bosses, business partner and co-workers can be negatively impacted.
  • Business and partnership can see differences, fallouts and even litigations.
  • Career related to social networking, media, television, pharma, hospitals, management, chemicals and toxins are worst impacted by this transit.
  • There are chances of chest problems, lung infections, stones in kidney and urinary tract, UTI as well as pain in lower back.
Rahu's Transit


  • Those working in media and communication sector are negatively impacted by Rahu until November.
  • Relation with siblings, spouse's siblings, neighbors, business partners and spouse is negatively impacted.
  • Business and business profits require out of box thinking if they wish to see profits. Routine businesses can see uneven income.
  • Travels, offshore business as well as higher and foreign education aspirants have it tough until November.
  • After October Rahu can cause loss of savings via disease, debts or job loss. There can be also be losses in court cases.
  • Couples who can't solve their problems in marriage may see ugly divorce after October with alimony or settlement to be paid.

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