Astro Isha

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General Prediction

pisces     Pisceans need to gear up for first phase of Sade-Sati. Saturn can present range of challenges for Pisceans in the next decade. On the bright side hope and optimism are high until May due to Jupiter in ascendant. There are profits from stock markets as well as long-distance spiritual and romantic travels possible until May.

     Chances of debts are high with Saturn and Rahu both influencing sixth house of debts. Health can remain troublesome for most parts of the year. Job seekers have better chances after April.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Pisces Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Pisces Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will be in ascendant in own-sign Pisces until 22nd April 2023. Afterwards it moves into second house which has friendly Aries Sign and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn moves out of eleventh house which has Capricorn Sign after 17th January 2023. Thereafter it starts the first phase of Sade-Sati when it moves into twelfth house which has Aquarius Sign and stays there for rest of the year.
  • Rahu will be in second house until 30th October 2023 which has Aries Sign. Afterwards it moves via retrograde transit into own-sign Pisces in first house and stays there for rest of the year.

  • Its a tough year for those in service sector with Rahu and Saturn influencing service house for most part of year.
  • Jupiter's influence after April maybe able to negate some of the bad effects.
  • Job seekers have a favorable year after April. Time after October is especially favorable for getting government and MNC jobs.
  • Those looking to go abroad on work visa have an ideal time after Mid-January. Having said that there can be challenges on foreign soil.
  • There are chances of job loss and loss of regular income until May. Chances of promotions and pay raise are comparatively less.

  • Business would be more favorable until May due to Jupiter's aspect. After October Rahu and Ketu's influence can bring some ups and downs.
  • Those who wish to start or expand business especially partnership business are advised to do so before May.
  • Business should avoid taking loans if possible. Those who have taken huge loans can see debts in next few years.
  • Consultancy and offshore business have much better prospects until May due to Jupiter. Rahu after October can cause some problems.
  • Service oriented business can be challenging whole year. But some respite possible after April.
  • There are no major influence which trouble real estate business although financial businesses can have a very tough year until October.

  • Its a bad year for finance with Saturn and Rahu influencing house of savings and debts for most parts of year.
  • There are no major influence on house of gains so income and business profits are less affected.
  • Rahu in second house and aspect of Saturn for most parts of year means savings would deplete in one way or another whether its via health, gambling, job loss or something other.
  • Stock markets are ideal until May due to Jupiter's influence. After October some care is advised for gamblers and stock traders.
  • Real estate remains best place for invesment for most part of the year barring two months between Mid-March to Mid-May.
  • Investments in gold, mutual funds, tax-saver schemes and keeping hidden assets are less advised until November.
  • Chances of tax raids, losses in court cases and paying alimony/settlement are not entirely ruled out until November.

  • Time until May is great for marriage due to Jupiter's influence. After October misunderstandings and alienation start to plague marriage life.
  • Jupiter until May is ideal for romance, relation with children and going on long-distance travels.
  • Relationship with family and in-laws can stay troublesome until October. Debts and losses can also cause problems in marriage.
  • Those planning children should try before May for better prospects.
  • Couples expecting delivery after October need to stay in regular touch with doctors.
  • Those who have already applied for divorce can see bitter separation and may need to pay huge alimony as part of settlement until November.

  • Jupiter until May is ideal for finding a faithful love interest. Rahu after October may make you fall for a bad love interest.
  • Pisceans looking to marry and settle down have a favorable year although time until May is far more favorable.
  • Short-distance travels are more favorable during course of year. Long-distance romantic travels are ideal until May.
  • Chances of break-ups not ruled out after October due to influence of Rahu on house of romance.


  • There are no major influence troubling those in schools and colleges. Having said Mars can increase anger and stress in final exams.
  • Students in Masters and Post Grad have better prospects until May. Afterwards loss of focus and failures possible especially after October.
  • Foreign education aspirants should go in January 2023 intake. Afterwards going abroad is not ideal for a few years.
  • Those looking to pass competitive exams can see failures and frustrations until May. Afterwards success is possible although hard work is required.
  • Knowledge seekers have a favorable year until May. Saturn favors hard working and focused candidates involved in Phd. and research.


  • Positivity and confidence will remain high until May due to Jupiter's influence. After October Rahu can cause doubts and anxities to grow.
  • Problems in mouth, teeth and neck region not possible. Surgeries not ruled out during course of the year.
  • Flatulence, bloating and food poisoning are possible all year round. Chances of hospital stay not ruled out.
  • After October problems in kidney, urinary tract and lower back starts to intensify. UTI, stones and slip disk a possibility.
  • Those with problems related to liver, obesity and diabetes should exercise and control their diet otherwise hospital stay a possibility.
  • Those who have a history of tumors need to consult doctors at the slightest discomfort.
Jupiter's Transit


  • Jupiter until May is ideal for mental health, long-term stock markets and long-distance spiritual travels.
  • Its also ideal for opening or expanding business as well as for couples planing child birth.
  • Married couples can increase romance and understanding in marriage while lovers can marry and settle down until May.
  • Students studying Masters and Post Grad benefit until May. Afterwards those looking to clear competitive exams and seeking government and MNC jobs benefit.
  • There are high chances of hospital stay after April especially for those who have liver problems, obesity, diabetes or problems in intestine.
Saturn's Transit


  • Saturn starts Sade-Sati around Mid-January and Pisceans need to gear up as next decade could be tough for them.
  • Chances of losses both personal and financial not ruled out. Debts are also a possibility especially for those who have taken huge loans.
  • Those who wish to work, study and settle abroad have an ideal year although challenges on foreign soil not ruled out.
  • Those doing Phd. and research can benefit but require hard work. Those doing Masters and Post grad and those trying for competitive exams can see failures.
  • Relation with family members, paternal and maternal relatives, subordinates and siblings of spouse can be negatively impacted by Saturn's influence.
  • There are chances of hospital stay for native or his/her family members. Chances of debts due to expensive medical bills not ruled out.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu and Ketu until October can cause bitter divorce. Chances of paying huge alimony not ruled out either.
  • There are chances of job loss, debts and bad relation with others at workplace. Natives are advised to avoid collecting any more debts.
  • Those who are applying for government and MNC jobs as well as competitive exams can see failures and disappointments especially until May.
  • Those with mental health condition need to take care after October. Relation with spouse, business partners and children can also worsen.
  • Time after October require caution for businesses as well as those involved in easy money like gambling and stock trading.
  • Students studying in Masters, Post Grad and foreign education aspirants can see loss of focus and failures after October.

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