Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

General Prediction

Saturn will start its Sade-Sati phase around April 2025 and next seven years can present a few challenges. On bright side there is a chance for promotion and pay raise all year round. Arians looking to start or expand business should try after Mid-May for better prospects. Rahu's friendly influence after Mid-May is favorable for those who wish to marry and settle down. Time after Mid-May is ideal for long-distance travels and spiritual sojourns.

Job seekers may need to work extra-hard to clear job interviews from April onwards. Stock investors and traders may see better returns after March. Long-term investment in index funds and gold is ideal especially after March.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Aries Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Aries Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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  • Aries Sign 2025 Part 1
  • Aries Sign 2025 Part 2
  • Aries Sign 2025 Part 3
Important Transits
  • Jupiter will be in Taurus Sign in second house until 14th May 2025. Between 14th May to 18th October 2025 Jupiter will be in Gemini Sign in third house. Between 18th October to 5th December 2025 Jupiter moves into Cancer in fourth house. From 5th December it moves back into Gemini via retrograde transit and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will be in Aquarius Sign in eleventh house until 29th March 2025. Afterwards it starts Sade-Sati when it moves into Pisces Sign in twelfth house and stays there for rest of the year. Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces between 13th July 2025 to 28th November 2025.
  • Rahu will remain in Pisces Sign in twelfth house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into friendly Aquarius Sign and stays there for rest of the year. Ketu will be in Virgo Sign until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Leo Sign.

  • Those involved in marketing, communication, television and social media have much better prospects in jobs after Mid-May.
  • Those seeking promotions and pay raise have an ideal year with Saturn and later Rahu's friendly influence helping them.
  • There are far better chances of promotions for those willing to relocate to far off locations. There are also chances to go on long-distance foreign trips for seminars and conferences.
  • Job seekers after March may require to work extra hard to clear job interviews due to Saturn's limiting aspect. Retrograde Saturn can especially be tough for job seekers.
  • Arians seeking jobs in government and MNC jobs have better prospects between Mid-October to December 2025 due to Jupiter's influence.
  • Work life balance will improve after Mid-October due to Jupiter and so will relationship with superiors and co-workers. On downside relationship with subordinates can have some differences after March.

  • Business can see meaningful progress after Mid-May once Rahu casts its friendly influence. Business related to garments, electrical equipments, surgical tools, music, fragrance and sweets can see wonderful gains.
  • Those who wish to start or expand their business should try after Mid-May for better prospects. Effective marketing and advertisements can greatly increase profits between Mid-May to Mid-October 2025.
  • Those doing business related to hotel, restaurant, catering and hospitality sector can see record profits between Mid-October to December 2025 due to exalted Jupiter.
  • Saturn's limiting aspect until April can limit profits in consultancy business. Afterewards Saturn will negatively impact service oriented business and offshore business.
  • Those involved in real estate, interior decoration, construction and farming can see record profits between Mid-October to December due to exalted Jupiter.

  • Chances of promotions and pay raise are there for whole year due to Saturn and later Rahu's friendly influence.
  • Business profits can increase drastically after Mid-May especially those who market their business well.
  • Saturn's friendly influence is ideal for long-term investment in gold and index/mutual funds from April onwards.
  • Stock market investment and trading is ideal after Mid-May. Those involved in speculation and gambling may also benefit from Rahu's influence.
  • Real estate investment is ideal between Mid-October to December due to exalted Jupiter. Buying, selling and renting property is also ideal during this period.
  • Health issues and gambling can cause heavy financial losses especially between March to April 2025. Those with considerable debts need to avoid loans and unnecessary expenditures.

  • Time after Mid-May is ideal to increase romance and understanding in marriage via travels and effective communication.
  • Time between Mid-May to Mid-October and later after November is ideal for couples to go long-distance spiritual travels. Short distance romantic travels are ideal after Mid-May 2025.
  • Couples planning children need to stay in regular touch with doctor as Saturn until April and Rahu-Ketu afterwards influence fifth house of progeny.
  • Relationship with children can have its share of differences. Relationship with in-laws can greatly improve after Mid-May 2025.
  • Those who have already applied for divorce may finally see separation after March. Couples who wish to reconcile will be provided with a chance by Jupiter after Mid-May.


  • Lovers who wish to find a new love interest can find a confident and free-spirited person after Mid-May 2025 thanks to Rahu's influence.
  • Lovers who wish to marry and settle down can do so after Mid-May once Rahu starts aspecting their marriage house.
  • Time after Mid-May is ideal to plan exotic short-distance romantic trips and long-distance hiking trips.
  • Chances of breakup with lover not ruled out first due to Saturn and later due to Ketu.


  • Rahu until Mid-May can cause loss of focus for school and college going students. Time between Mid-October to December is ideal for them.
  • Those doing Masters and Post Grad have an ideal time after Mid-May due to Jupiter's positive influence.
  • Students planning to go abroad for higher studies should avoid September 2025 intake and instead opt for January 2026 intake.
  • Those doing Phd. and academic research can see loss of focus until Mid-May. Afterwards there can frustration and negativity which can affect their studies.
  • Time between Mid-March to Mid-May is extremely tough for those giving competitive exams. Passing competitive exams after March won't be easy due to Saturn's limiting aspect.
  • Those seeking knowledge of medicine and occults can benefit from Rahu-Ketu influence after Mid-May. Jupiter after Mid-May will help those writing their dissertation and academic report.


  • Time between Mid-March to Mid-May is extremely critical for health. Those who have serious health complications should contact immediately at slightest discomfort.
  • Saturn until April and Rahu-Ketu after Mid-May can cause gastric problems and acid reflux to increase.
  • Those with thyroid issues and obesity need to be careful until Mid-May. Afterwards those with breathing problems and lung disorders need to be careful.
  • Females planning child birth need to stay in constant touch with doctors. UTI, frequent urination and damage to kidneys are a possibility for both males and females.
  • Those with problems in neurological system and spine need to be careful after Mid-May due to Jupiter and Rahu's influence.
  • Ketu after Mid-May can cause anger and frustration to increase. Important for those with anger issues to try meditation and yoga.
Jupiter's Transit

Note: Jupiter will travel via three signs in 2025. First two points cover transit vai Taurus, next two cover transit via Gemini and last two cover transit via Cancer.


  • Jupiter until Mid-May can help improve ties with family, in-laws and co-workers. Job seekers maybe able to get better job offers atleast until April.
  • On downside those with thyroid issues and obesity problems can see hospital stay. Health and court cases may deplete savings until Mid-May 2025.
  • Jupiter between Mid-May to Mid-October and later after November will help those doing Masters, Post Grad and those writing dissertation. It can also help with business expansion, business profits and promotions in jobs.
  • On the downside those with lung disorders and neurological problems can see their condition worsen. Jupiter will increase chance of promotions for those willing to relocate.
  • Jupiter between Mid-October to December is ideal for those wishing to buy house. Its also ideal for real estate investors and farmers.
  • Jupiter will also help improve work life balance and help those planning to migrate abroad. There are chances of alimony and inheritance also.
Saturn's Transit


  • Hard working individuals who missed out on promotions and pay raise may get it before April. On downside relationship with children, in-laws and friends can be challenging until April.
  • Negativity and doubts can cloud the mind until April. Those fighting court cases may also see delays and possible defeats until April.
  • Saturn's transit from April can be ideal for long-term investment in gold and index/mutual funds. On downside health and family issues can cause loss of savings for few.
  • Job seekers and those giving competitive exams need hard work to clear interviews and exams. Retrograde Saturn can be challenging for migrants abroad.
  • Students doing Masters, Post Grad, Phd. and academic research require hard work and focus due to Saturn's limiting influence.
  • Those with considerable debts should keep a check one expenses and avoid any new loans atleast until Mid-May 2025.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu and Ketu's transit is ideal until Mid-May for those who wish to migrate and settle abroad. Its also somewhat ideal for job seekers.
  • On downside Rahu until Mid-May is troublesome for those with considerable debts, court cases and real estate investors.
  • Rahu after Mid-May is ideal for those who wish to marry and settle down. Lovers can also find new love interest after Mid-May.
  • Rahu can help get unexpected job promotions and pay raise as well as lead to record profits in business sector.
  • Rahu can also help increase friends and social circle as well as improve relation with siblings and neighbors via get togethers.
  • Those planning to start or expand their business or partnership have an ideal time after Mid-May. Effective marketing and PR campaigns can greatly help business expansion plans.
  • On downside those with problems in nervous system, neurological disorders as well as stomach complications can see their health condition worsen after Mid-May 2025.

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