Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

General Prediction

Things will slowly but surely improve in marriage and in business with Saturn and later Rahu stopping its malefic influence. Time between Mid-October 2025 to December is ideal start new business or partnership, gain promotions and even go on foreign trips. Those who wish to marry and settle down also have a favorable time between Mid-October to December. There are chances of sudden gains via inheritance, alimony or life insurance especially after Mid-May. Job seekers can benefit from Jupiter and Rahu's influence after Mid-May.

Rahu's influence after Mid-May will benefit those working in research, medicine, communications and banking jobs. Chances of promotions and pay raise are comparatively less atleast until Mid-October due to Rahu and Saturn's malefic influence. Saturn after March can increase self doubt and also increase differences with children, in-laws and friends. On bright side Saturn's friendly influence will make individuals humble and help them get back in shape.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Taurus Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Taurus Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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  • Taurus Sign 2025 Part 1
  • Taurus Sign 2025 Part 2
  • Taurus Sign 2025 Part 3
Important Transits
  • Jupiter will remain in ascendant until 14th May 2025. Between 14th May to 18th October 2025 Jupiter will be in Gemini Sign in second house. Between 18th October to 5th December 2025 Jupiter moves into Cancer in third house. From 5th December it moves back into Gemini via retrograde transit and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will be in Aquarius Sign in tenth house until 29th March 2025. Afterwards it moves into Pisces Sign in eleventh house and stays there for rest of the year. Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces between 13th July 2025 to 28th November 2025.
  • Rahu will remain in Pisces Sign in eleventh house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into friendly Aquarius Sign in tenth house and stays there for rest of the year. Ketu will be in Virgo Sign until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Leo Sign.

  • Saturn in career house would reward the hard working and patient ones until April. Rahu after Mid-May will reward those who are innovative, think out-of-box and those who are good with marketing and PR.
  • Chances of job loss and income stoppage are high this year especially between March to May and later when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Chances of promotions and pay raise are comparatively less until Mid-October. Jupiter's positive influence may help gain promtion and pay raise between Mid-October to December.
  • Job seekers can get much better job offers after Mid-May due to Rahu and Jupiter's influence. Chances of more job responsibilities and better co-ordination at workplace possible after Mid-May.
  • Natives doing jobs in banking, research, hospital, pharmacy, marketing and communication sector may benefit after Mid-May due to Jupiter and Rahu's influence.
  • Between Mid-October to December there are chances for job relocation along with promotion as well as chance to go abroad for seminars and conferences.

  • There can be slow but gradual improvement in business and partnership once Saturn and later Rahu stop its influence.
  • Those who wish to start or expand their business or partnership are advised to do so between Mid-October and December for better prospects..
  • Business improves for those in restaurant, catering, hotel and hospitality business once Saturn stops its limiting aspect after March.
  • Effective marketing, PR, SM promotions and advertisements can greatly improve business reach between Mid-October to December 2025.
  • Business profits may not grow as expected due to Saturn's limiting presence. Important to be patient and focus on long-term growth.
  • Important for business to pay off their loans first otherwise chances of considerable debts are not ruled out for next few years.

  • Chances of promotions, pay raise and increase in business profits are less until Mid-October due to Rahu and later Saturn's influence. Jupiter's positive influence between Mid-October to December may allow income raise.
  • Savings can grow multifold especially if long-term investments is done in gold and index/mutual funds. On downside health problems and family issues can deplete savings for few.
  • Time until April is ideal for stock market traders and speculators. Afterwards its important to focus on long-term investments due to Saturn's limiting aspect.
  • Real estate investors have much better time after Mid-May although background check and some care still required when signing documents.
  • Those planning to buy new house or luxury car should probably do it after Mid-May. If possible they should wait for 2026 when Jupiter enters Leo.
  • There is a chance to gain inheritance, alimony or insurance settlement between Mid-May to Mid-October. Chances of income tax raids not entirely ruled out when Saturn turns retrograde.

  • Marriage life has been tough due to Rahu and Saturn's malefic influence. Slowly but surely things start to improve in marriage after March.
  • Time between Mid-October to December is ideal to resolve differences, improve communication and increase understanding in marriage. Its also an ideal time to go on long and short distance trips.
  • Couples planning child birth should stay in regular touch with doctors as Rahu-Ketu and later Saturn influence fifth house of progeny. Extreme caution required between Mid-March to Mid-May.
  • Atmosphere at home may remain tensed due to Saturn and later Rahu-Ketu influence. Relationship with children can also have its share of differences.
  • On bright side relationship with family members and in-laws can greatly improve after Mid-May thanks to Jupiter.
  • Couples who have already applied for separation may see amicable divorce after Mid-May. Retrograde Saturn may push couples who can't solve differences towards separation.


  • Lovers looking to find new love interest may find it hard as Ketu and later Saturn influence fifth house of romance.
  • Chances of breakups are not entirely ruled out especially between Mid-March to Mid-May. Minor difference will remain with lovers throughout the year.
  • Lovers and those seeking arranged marriage can marry and settle down between Mid-October to December due to Jupiter's positive influence.
  • Lovers should plan short and long distance exotic trips between Mid-October to December to rekindle romance and understanding.


  • Students in schools and colleges appearing for final year exams in March or April have it tough. Afterwards also loss of focus not ruled out.
  • Its an ideal year for those doing Masters and Post Grad. Foreign higher education aspirants should target September 2025 intake for better prospects.
  • Those doing Phd. and academic research get relief after March once Saturn stops its influence. Those writing dissertation and academic report benefit from Jupiter's influence between Mid-October to December.
  • Students appearing for competitive exams have much better prospects of clearing exams after Mid-May.
  • Knowledge seekers may have it tough this year due to Rahu-Ketu and later Saturn's influence. On bright side those trying to learn new languages, gain IT skills and occults knowledge can benefit after Mid-May.


  • Saturn's limiting aspect after March on ascendant can be tough for mental health. Although Jupiter will act as a shield atleast until Mid-May.
  • Those having history of mental illness, migraine and tumors may suffer during Saturn's retrograde transit between Mid-July to December.
  • Those with digestion problems and acid reflux don't see any relief as Rahu-Ketu until Mid-May and later Saturn influence fifth house.
  • Those with problems in kidneys and urinary tract can feel a lot better after Mid-May. Regular exercise, water and medicine can help clear most of their problems.
  • Those with obesity, thyroid and diabetes can see hospital stay after Mid-May. Problems related to constipation and piles can resurface.
  • Those with lung diorders and breathing problems may see considerable improvement after Mid-May via regular pranayam and various exercises to improve lung capacity..
Jupiter's Transit


Note: Jupiter will travel via three signs in 2025. First two points cover transit vai Taurus, next two cover transit via Gemini and last two cover transit via Cancer.

  • Jupiter until Mid-May is ideal for confidence and improving positivity, long-term investment in stock markets, planning child birth as well as long-distance travels.
  • Its also favorable for knowledge seekers and Masters, Post Grad students. On downside it can cause stomach problems especially flatulence, vertigo, obesity and thyroid problems.
  • Jupiter transit via Gemini is ideal for job seekers and long-term investment in gold and index/mutual funds. Its also ideal for inheritance, alimony and insurance settlement.
  • Jupiter will improve relationships at workplace and assign more job responsibilities. On downside it can cause hospitalisation and possible loss of savings via family issues.
  • Jupiter's transit via Cancer is ideal for starting and expanding business and partnership. It will also help improve marriage life via travels and communication.
  • Those looking to marry and settle down as well as those seeking promotions benefit. On downside those with neurological disorders may see increase in problems.
Saturn's Transit


  • Saturn in own-sign in career house supports hard working and persistent individuals. On the downside it can can negatively impact work life balance.
  • Saturn's limiting aspect until April is tough for stock market traders and business. Its equally tough for marriage life and partnership business.
  • Saturn after March will limit chances of promotion and pay raise. Those with unstable jobs can see loss of income when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Saturn's aspect on ascendant will teach natives to be humble and patient. Those with migrane and vertigo may see problems worsen.
  • Relationship with children, friends, social contacts and in-laws can have some differences especially during retrograde transit.
  • Long-term stock market is highly favorable after March while speculators and gamblers need to be careful and avoid excess greed.
  • Females who are pregnant need to be stay in regular touch with doctors. Those with constipation and piles need to control their diet and do regular exercise.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu may give surprise promotions and pay raise before it moves out of eleventh house of income especially for those willing to relocate.
  • Rahu-Ketu until May can cause differences with children and complications for couples planning pregnancy. Its equally bad for those with digestive issues and acid reflux.
  • After Mid-May Rahu can help career grow especially those who are innovative and think out-of-box. Those working in research, finance, banking, medical, pharmacy, chemicals and toxins particularly benefit.
  • Those studying in schools and colleges can see loss of focus and dropouts after Mid-May. On bright side job seekers and those giving competitive exams may benefit from Rahu's friendly influence.
  • Rahu-Ketu influence may also cause problems for those involved in real estate, construction, hotel, hospitality and farming.
  • Those with heart problems and neurological disorders need to consult doctor in case of discomfort. Those who are good at marketing will see record sales after Mid-May.

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