Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

General Prediction

Job seekers and those employed in service sector can see better times as Saturn after March and Rahu after Mid-May stops its malefic influence. Time after Mid-May is ideal for those who wish to open or expand business. Its equally ideal for offshore and consultancy business. Stock market investors, traders and speculators can also benefit from Rahu's friendly influence after Mid-May. Time after Mid-May is ideal to marry and settle down as well as to find new love interest.

Foreign higher education aspirants particularly benefit from Rahu's friendly influence after Mid-May. Time after Mid-May is ideal to go on long-distance exotic travels to increase romance and passion. Students in schools and colleges have it extremely tough between Mid-March to Mid-May. Those with breathing problems, vertigo and anxiety issues need to be careful after Mid-May.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Gemini Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Gemini Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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  • Gemini Sign 2025 Part 1
  • Gemini Sign 2025 Part 2
  • Gemini Sign 2025 Part 3
Important Transits
  • Jupiter will remain in Taurus in twelfth house until 14th May 2025. Between 14th May to 18th October 2025 Jupiter will move into ascendant in first house. Between 18th October to 5th December 2025 Jupiter moves into Cancer in second house. From 5th December it moves back into ascendant via retrograde transit and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will be in Aquarius Sign in ninth house until 29th March 2025. Afterwards it moves into Pisces Sign in tenth house and stays there for rest of the year. Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces between 13th July 2025 to 28th November 2025.
  • Rahu will remain in Pisces Sign in tenth house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into friendly Aquarius Sign in ninth house and stays there for rest of the year. Ketu will be in Virgo Sign until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Leo Sign.

  • Time after Mid-May can see considerable improvement for those doing service roles as Saturn and later Rahu stop its malefic influence.
  • Those working in medical fields as doctors, nurses, hospital staff, lab technician and pathologist will have it tough especially if cases related to Monkey Pox or similar epidemic increase.
  • There are much better chances of promotions and pay raise after March once Saturn stops its malefic influence.
  • Job relocation to far off location as well as travels to attend seminars and conferences are a possibility whole year round.
  • Job seekers can see better job offers after March. Time between Mid-October to December is ideal to get prestigious government or MNC jobs.
  • Saturn after March will cause differences with superiors and co-workers as well as difficulty managing work load. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May extremely tough as Saturn+Rahu join together in tenth house of career.

  • Jupiter's influence on own-sign after Mid-May is ideal for those who wish to start or expand their business. Avoid heavy loans to start business between Mid-July to December when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Those working in consultancy and offshore business can see record profits after Mid-May due to Rahu's friendly influence.
  • Real estate business, hotel, restaurant, catering, farming and live stock business can have it tough after March. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May extremely troublesome.
  • Business related to communication, networking and marketing can see some challenges due to Saturn and later Rahu-Ketu's influence.
  • Business profits can increase considerably after March once Saturn stops its malefic influence. Important to avoid controversial advertisements and over the top PR after Mid-May.
  • Business related to hospitals, well-being, religion and spirituality can see record profits after Mid-May.

  • Both income and business profits can see marked improvement after March once Saturn stops its malefics influence on eleventh house of income.
  • Savings can improve considerably after Mid-May once Rahu stops its influence. Long-term investments in gold and index/mutual funds can give wonderful returns between Mid-October to December.
  • Stock market investors, traders and speculators can greatly benefit from Rahu's friendly influence after Mid-May.
  • Real estate investors and those planning to buy house have a tough year as Rahu-Ketu and later Saturn influence fourth house.
  • Important to avoid buying house or luxury vehicle between Mid-March to Mid-May when six to seven planets influence fourth house.
  • Chances of loss of savings due to family issues and health crisis not ruled out until Mid-May atleast.

  • Jupiter after Mid-May starts influencing seventh house of marriage which has own-sign. This in turn can help increase romance and understanding.
  • Couples should avoid short distance travels atleast until April. Neighbors and siblings can be reason for conflicts in marriage life.
  • Rahu will help increase romance and passion in marriage after Mid-May via exotic long-distance travels and romantic date nights.
  • Couples planning child birth have much better prospects between Mid-May to Mid-October and later after December.
  • Couples planning to buy house should avoid buying one between Mid-March to Mid-May and later when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Couples who have already filed for separation may see amicable divorce. Chances of gaining huge alimony are comparatively less.


  • Lovers have a golden time after Mid-May with both Rahu and Jupiter helping them find new love interest.
  • Lovers can increase romance and passion via long-distance exotic travels, fun date nights and social get togethers.
  • Both lovers and natives seeking arranged marriage can marry and settle down when Jupiter transits via Gemini.
  • Chances of breakups are comparatively less. Lovers who have broken up have a chance to fix things and start relationship afresh after Mid-May.


  • Students in schools and colleges have it tough due to Rahu-Ketu and later Saturn's influence. Those giving final year exams between Mid-March to Mid-May need to be extremely careful..
  • School and college going students may see loss of focus, possible failures or injuries preventing them from giving exams especially between Mid-March to Mid-May.
  • Most of the year is ideal for those studying Masters and Post Grad. Foreign higher education aspirants have a golden time after Mid-May.
  • Phd. and those doing academic research require hard work and focus after March. Those writing dissertation and academic report may see better prospects after March.
  • Time after Mid-May is ideal for knowledge seekers and those giving competitive exams. Chances of clearing competitive exams between Mid-October to December are extremely high.
  • Studies related to networking, pharmacy, medical and chemical sectors can have much better prospects compared to other academic fields.


  • Slowly and gradually health can improve once Saturn after March and later Jupiter and Rahu stop their influence on sixth house of disease.
  • Ofcourse natives are advised to take extreme caution until Mid-May especially if there is an epidemic outbreak.
  • Some caution required for those with breathing problems as first Saturn and later Rahu-Ketu influence third house.
  • Those with heart blockages, breast cancer and chest infection need to take extreme care between Mid-March to Mid-May when lots of planets influence fourth house.
  • Those with history of anxiety, vertigo and head tumors need to be careful after Mid-May. Gastric problems can increase after Mid-May.
  • Chances of hospital stay are considerably less especially after Mid-May. Diet control and regular exercise can help avoid obesity in next few years.
Jupiter's Transit


Note: Jupiter will travel via three signs in 2025. First two points cover transit via Taurus, next two cover transit via Gemini and last two cover transit via Cancer.

  • Jupiter in twelfth house of losses can help those doing academic research and those living abroad on foreign soil.
  • On downside it can cause personal and financial losses. Chances of debts, hospital stay and paying alimony/settlement money not ruled out.
  • Jupiter will help increase positivity, stock market profits and aid couples planning child birth. Jupiter is also ideal to open/expand business.
  • Those who wish to marry and settle down or find new love interest will also benefit after Mid-May. On downside Jupiter will increase obesity and gastric problems.
  • Job seekers can get dream role in government or MNC sector between Mid-October to December. There are high chances of passing competitive exams also.
  • Long-term investment in gold and index/mutual funds can grow multi-fold. Jupiter may increase job responsibilities and lead to better co-ordination with others at workplace.
Saturn's Transit


  • Saturn's transit until April is ideal for students studying Masters and Post Grad. Its also ideal for those doing offshore business and working with international clients.
  • On downside Saturn's limiting influence can delay promotions and cause difficulties in service roles. Job seekers will find it hard to clear interview rounds.
  • Daily commuters and those involved in marketing, PR and communication may see some setbacks. Those with lung problems and neurological disorders also need to be careful.
  • Time between Mid-March to Mid-May is extremely tough for career when Saturn joins Rahu in tenth house of career. Its equally tough time for those in real estate, hotel, catering and farming sectors.
  • Income and business profits can improve drastically after March once Saturn stops its limiting influence. Important for business to avoid massive loans especially when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Those with heart blockage, breast cancer or chest infection need to consult doctor immediately at slighest discomfort. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May requires extreme care and caution.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu until Mid-May can cause loss of focus at workplace and possible job loss. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May requires extreme caution when Saturn joins Rahu in tenth house of career.
  • Relationship with parents can have its share of differences. Chances of hospital stay not ruled out until Mid-May especially in case of an epidemic.
  • Rahu after Mid-May is ideal for students studying Masters and Post Grad. It is also ideal for foreign higher education aspirants.
  • Rahu after Mid-May can help increase profits for those involved in stock markets. Both offshore and consultancy business can see record profits due to friendly influence of Rahu.
  • Rahu after Mid-May can help increase romance and passion in marriage and love life. Its an ideal time to go on long-distance foreign trips and exotic cruise.
  • On downside those with history of anxiety, vertigo and stomach problems need to be careful. Those with neurological problems and lung disoders can see their condition worsen.

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