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General Prediction

Initial few months of 2025 can be somewhat challenging when Saturn is in eight house of transformation and negatively impacts career. Similarly Rahu's influence on ascendant is also troublesome for mental health until Mid-May. Slowly and gradually there can be massive improvement in career and mental health. Jupiter after Mid-October will bring back hope and optimism in life of Cancer natives. Time after Mid-May is ideal for job seekers and those giving competitive exams. Its equally fruitful time for those doing service roles. Time between Mid-October to December is ideal for marriage and finding new love interest. Those in real estate can also get dream profits although some caution required due to Rahu's influence.

Chances of sudden and massive gains via inheritance, alimony, insurance etc not ruled out after Mid-May due to friendly Rahu. There can be record profits from stock markets between Mid-October to December. Time after Mid-May is ideal for those doing field and academic research.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Cancer Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Cancer Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will remain in Taurus in eleventh house until 14th May 2025. Between 14th May to 18th October 2025 Jupiter will move into twelfth house in Gemini Sign. Between 18th October to 5th December 2025 Jupiter moves into Cancer in ascendant. From 5th December it moves back into Gemini via retrograde transit and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will be in Aquarius Sign in eight house until 29th March 2025. Afterwards it moves into Pisces Sign in ninth house and stays there for rest of the year. Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces between 13th July 2025 to 28th November 2025.
  • Rahu will remain in Pisces Sign in ninth house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into friendly Aquarius Sign in eight house and stays there for rest of the year.
  • Ketu will be in Virgo Sign in third house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Leo Sign in second house and stays there for rest of the year.

  • Tenth house of career until April has limiting aspect of Saturn which can make it difficult to cope with excess workload and job pressure.
  • There can also be differences with superiors and co-workers. Things start to gradually improve after March once Saturn stops its influence.
  • There is a chance for promotion and pay raise all year round. Saturn after March is far more likely to reward hard working and persistent individuals.
  • Saturn's retrograde transit can cause income stoppage for few. There is also a chance for job relocation to far off places which can cause massive inconvenience.
  • Jupiter after Mid-May will favor job seekers. Chances of getting prestigious government jobs as well as MNC jobs are high.
  • Those working in medical sectors as doctors, nurse, hospital staff, pathologist, lab technician etc may face burout especially in case of an epidemic.
  • Caution advised between Mid-March to Mid-May for those working in marketing, communication and television sector as well as those involved in daily commute for work.

  • Jupiter's influence until Mid-May rewards businesses who set realistic targets. Important to avoid massive loans to start new business.
  • Hotel, catering, sugar production and real estate business can gain after Mid-May due to friendly influence of Rahu.
  • Saturn after March will increase profits for business who provide better customer services and focus on long-term growth. Business related to finances, investment, stock markets and gold particularly benefit.
  • Consultancy, fisheries, live stock, farming, restaurant and eatery business can gain record profits between Mid-October to December thanks to exalted Jupiter's influence.
  • Import-export and offshore business will have challenges but profits can increase between Mid-October to December due to Jupiter's influence.
  • Business fighting litigation cases can see victory and be rewarded with huge settlement money. Business involved in research, chemical and toxins also benefit after Mid-May.
  • Business related to hospitals, pharmacy, medical equipments and surgical tools can see record profits especially in case of an epidemic.

  • Saturn after March will give promotions and pay raise to individual who work hard and have long-term focus.
  • Similarly Saturn would reward businesses who have long-term focus and those who provide better services to clients.
  • Chances of income stoppage and irregular business profits not ruled out when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Savings can remain a cause of concern as first Saturn and later Rahu-Ketu influence second house of savings which has enemy Leo Sign.
  • Stock markets and cryptos can provide much better returns after Mid-May as Saturn after March and Rahu after Mid-May stop their malefic influence.
  • Record profits are possible from stock markets and crypto investments between Mid-October to December due to Jupiter's friendly influence.
  • Real estate investment can provide dream returns after Mid-May due to Rahu's friendly influence. Some background check and caution advised when buying or selling properties.
  • Rahu after Mid-May can provide sudden gains via inheritance, alimony, settlement/insurance money or maturing financial policy.

  • Influence of debilitated Mars until June advises caution in marriage life. Important to avoid anger and frustration when dealing with spouse.
  • Slowly but surely things can improve in marriage. Exalted Jupiter's influence between Mid-October to December is ideal to bring back romance and understanding in marriage when Jupiter gets exalted.
  • Couples planning child birth have better prospects after Mid-May. Chances of being blessed with a healthy and intelligent baby are high between Mid-October to December.
  • Couples should avoid long-distance travels especially between Mid-March to Mid-May when Saturn+Rahu join together in their ninth house.
  • Couple planning to buy a home or luxury vehicles have favorable time after Mid-May. Some background check essential while buying property and signing house documents.
  • Relationship with children can improve drastically after Mid-May. Exalted Jupiter between Mid-October to December can help fighting couples resolve differences and stay together..
  • Couples with major differences will most likely opt for separation. Chances of gaining huge alimony are high for females.


  • Slowly but surely things start to improve for lovers as Saturn and later Rahu stop their malefic influence on fifth house of romance.
  • Jupiter's influence between Mid-October and December can bring a new faithful and long-term love interest for Cancer natives.
  • Lovers who already have someone special can look forward to increase in romance and passion between Mid-October to December via Jupiter's blessing.
  • Lovers and those seeking arranged marriage can get married between Mid-October to December. Chances of breakups are comparatively less after Mid-May.


  • Influence of debilitated Mars can increase anger and frustration until June for school and college going students. Chances of accidents and injuries also not ruled out.
  • Rahu and Jupiter after Mid-May can give wonderful grades to school and college going students provided they remain focused.
  • Time between Mid-March to Mid-May is extremely tough for students studying Masters and Post Grad. Writing and submitting thesis will remain an uphill task during course of the year.
  • Retrograde Saturn advises some caution for students planning to go abroad for higher studies in September 2025 intake. Students should avoid going abroad in January 2025 intake at all costs.
  • Those doing Phd and academic research have an ideal year after Mid-May. Having said that writing research paper would be tough due to negative influence on third house of creative writing.
  • Knowledge seekers have an ideal time after Mid-May. Students studying occults or those doing field research have a dream time after Mid-May due to Rahu's influence.
  • There are much better chances of passing competitive exams after Mid-May due to Jupiter's friendly influence. Retrograde Saturn will require hard work for exams held between Mid-July to November.


  • Rahu's influence on ascendant until Mid-May is tough for mental health. After Mid-October Jupiter's positive influence can cure most of the issues related to mental health.
  • Debilitated Mars until June can cause accidents and injuries particularly in head, back or buttocks region. Chances of frequent UTI and burning sensation in urinary tract also possible until June.
  • Care advised whole year round for those with lung disorders and breathing problems. Extreme caution advised between Mid-March to Mid-May.
  • Those with piles and heart blockage may need to opt for surgery to get relief. Patients with sciatica will require ozone therapy to get relief from pain.
  • Those who have a habit of chewing tobacco and smoking cigarattes may see their condition worsen due to Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
  • Digestive health can slowly and gradually improve although total relief is unlikely. Jupiter after Mid-October can promote obesity.
Jupiter's Transit

Note: Jupiter will travel via three signs in 2025. First two points cover transit via Taurus, next two cover transit via Gemini and last two cover transit via Cancer.


  • Jupiter until Mid-May can help increase sources of income. Jupiter may help avoid major differences with spouse, friends, children and siblings which can be caused by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
  • Chances of job relocation accompanied by promotion are there after March. On downside those with lung disorders and stomach problems especially flatulence need to be careful.
  • Jupiter will favor those doing academic and field research as well as those in real estate. It will also help job seekers get dream jobs in government or MNC.
  • Chances of hospital stay as well as financial or personal loss not ruled out. On bright side there is a chance to get sudden gains via inheritance, alimony etc.
  • Jupiter in ascendant will increase hope and optimism. It will also help improve mental health. Exalted Jupiter will also provide wonderful returns from stock markets and cryptos as well as favor long-distance travels.
  • Jupiter is favorable to open/expand business especially consultancy and offshore business. Exalted Jupiter will be favorable to lovers, coules planning child birth and those who wish to marry and settle down.
Saturn's Transit


  • Most of problems related to workplace and career can disappear after March. Saturn can reward hard working and patient individuals with promotion and pay raise after March.
  • Those fighting court case for a long time may see a verdict in their favor. Relationship with in-laws, children and family members can have some differences until April.
  • Time between Mid-March to Mid-May is troublesome for students studying Masters and Post Grad. Its equally troublesome for offshore and import-export businesses.
  • Saturn after March can cause frictions with siblings, neighbors, friends and subordinates. Foreign higher education aspirants planning to go in September 2025 intake are advised caution due to retrograde Saturn.
  • Chances of promotion are high for those who accept job relocation. Travels both long and short distance can cause lots of discomfort after March.
  • Those with lung disorders and intestine problems can see hospital stay. Income stoppage possible for few when Saturn turns retrograde.
Rahu's Transit


  • Time until Mid-May can be troublesome for those with mental health issues, stomach problems, pregnancy and lung disorders.
  • Those working in marketing, television and PR should avoid controversial content or strategies especially between Mid-March and Mid-May.
  • Masters and Post Grad students may see failures in submitting their dissertation. Foreign education aspirants and offshore businesses should be careful between Mid-March to Mid-May.
  • Time after Mid-May is ideal for those doing field and academic research. There are chances of sudden and considerable gains via inheritance, alimony, insurance money etc after Mid-May.
  • Real estate developers and those working in hotel and hospitality sector can also see considerable gains. Some background check essential when buying property or vehicles.
  • Important to kick habit of chewing tobacco and smoking cigarattes otherwise Rahu, Ketu and Saturn can worsen condition. Those involved in gambling or those with massive loans need to be careful with their finances after Mid-May.

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