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General Prediction

scorpio2025 promises gradual improvement in life of Scorpions. Mental health can improve drastically once Saturn after March and Rahu after Mid-May stop their influence. Jupiter by Mid-October brings hope, optimism and romance back in life of Scorpions. Rahu after Mid-May is ideal for real estate investors and developers. Rahu along with Jupiter promises sudden and unexpected gains after Mid-May. Stock market investments done previously can grow multi-fold between Mid-October to December due to Jupiter's friendly influence.

Investments in gold and index/mutual funds is highly recommended between Mid-May to Mid-October. On downside there is a chance for personal loss or setback after Mid-May. Saturn's limiting aspect after March is troublesome for business, business profits, income and promotions.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Scorpio Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Scorpio Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will remain in Taurus in seventh house until 14th May 2025. Between 14th May to 18th October 2025 Jupiter will move into eight house in Gemini Sign. Between 18th October to 5th December 2025 Jupiter moves into Cancer in ninth house. From 5th December it moves back into Gemini via retrograde transit and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will be in Aquarius Sign in fourth house until 29th March 2025. Afterwards it moves into Pisces Sign in fifth house and stays there for rest of the year. Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces between 13th July 2025 to 28th November 2025.
  • Rahu will remain in Pisces Sign in fifth house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into friendly Aquarius Sign in fourth house and stays there for rest of the year.
  • Ketu will be in Virgo Sign in eleventh house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Leo Sign in tenth house.

  • Time until April can show some challenges in service roles. Afterwards slowly and gradually things improve in service roles once Saturn stops its limiting influence.
  • There are much better chances of promotions and pay raise until April due to friendly Rahu-Ketu influence. Afterwards Saturn's aspect only rewards hard working candidates.
  • Time after Mid-May is ideal for those who wish to migrate and work abroad. Those working in banking and finance may also benefit from Jupiter's influence.
  • Those doing remote work and WFH(Work From Home) particularly benefit after Mid-May. Those doing background jobs also see better prospects after Mid-May.
  • Job seekers can get much better job offers after March once Saturn stops its limiting influence. On downside there are chances of job loss and income stoppage especially when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Those employed in government sector should avoid bribes and approving illegal tenders and projects else result could be catastrophic.

  • Business can grow inspite of challenges due to friendly influence of Saturn after March. On downside Saturn's influence can cause differences with stake holders in partnership business.
  • Saturn would limit profits and business growth especially when it turns retrograde. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May extremely tough for business profits due to multiple planetary influence on eleventh house of gains.
  • Real estate, hotel and hospitality as well as transport business can see much better returns after Mid-May.
  • Starting or expanding business is less advised this year especially when Saturn turns retrograde. If necessary one should start or expand business when Venus or Jupiter are exalted.
  • Offshore, import-export and business dealing with foreign clients can see record profits between Mid-October to December. Fortunes of consultancy business also improve a little during this period.
  • Business who have taken heavy loans and don't see desired profits should probably opt for business closure before Mid-July when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Business involved in hospitals, surgical equipments, pathology laboratory, PPE kits etc can earn record profits in case of an epidemic.

  • Those seeking promotion, pay raise and increase business profits have better chance until Mid-March. Afterwards chances of income stoppage not ruled out between Mid-March to Mid-May and later when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Jupiter after Mid-May is ideal for investment in gold and index/mutual funds. Important to avoid too much cash in wallets and banks after March due to Saturn's limiting aspect.
  • Real estate investors can see record profits after Mid-May due to Rahu's friendly influence. Some background check and reading property documents essential when buying land assets.
  • There are high chances of sudden and unexpected gains via inheritance, alimony, insurance settlement etc after Mid-May.
  • Stock market investors should avoid risky trading and speculation and focus on long-term investments after March. Jupiter between Mid-October to December can help stock investments grow multi-fold.
  • Chances of income tax raids are not ruled out after Mid-May. Heavy financial losses possible after Mid-May due to gambling, scams or court cases.

  • Saturn after March will enter fifth house of romance and aspect seventh house of marriage. As such romance in marriage and relationship with spouse and children can be negatively impacted.
  • Long-distance travels are far more suitable between Mid-October to December due to exalted Jupiter. Short travels are largely suitable all year round.
  • Couples planning to buy a new house or rent a new apartment have a golden time after Mid-May. Relationship at home with family members and in-laws can also improve drastically.
  • Couples planning child birth should probably try after Mid-October. Extreme caution advised for pregnant females between Mid-March to Mid-May when multiple planets including Saturn+Rahu join in fifth house of progeny.
  • Jupiter in seventh house until Mid-May can help couples reconcile and avoid major differences. Afterwards though retrograde Saturn can cause differences to increase.
  • Couples who have already filed for divorce can see amicable separation after Mid-May. Chances of gaining huge alimony not ruled out especially for female natives.

  • Lovers should wait for Mid-October when exalted Jupiter influences fifth house of romance. This will help them gain a new faithful and long term love interest.
  • Lovers already in relationship are advised caution. There can be break-ups after Mid-March due to multiple planets including Saturn+Rahu joining in fifth house.
  • Long-distance exotic travels are far more suitable after Mid-October. Short distance romantic trips are suitable all year round.
  • Saturn's limiting aspect after March will only support marriage in case of a favorable dasha-antardasha period. Otherwise it will most likely delay marriage.
  • Important that natives seeking marriage choose an auspicious date and avoid times when Saturn or Venus are retrograde.


  • Hard working students in schools and colleges can get good grades in final exams held in March and April due to Saturn's influence.
  • Rahu until Mid-May can cause loss of focus for Masters and Post Grad students. Afterwards its largely favorable for school and college going students.
  • Foreign higher education aspirants should opt for September 2025 intake. Time between Mid-October to December is ideal for Masters, Post Grad and those studying abroad.
  • Time after Mid-May is ideal for those involved in Phd. and academic research. Those doing field research also benefit from Jupiter and Rahu's influence.
  • Jupiter's influence even on weak sign can help those writing dissertation and academic report until Mid-May and later between Mid-October to December.
  • Those giving competitive exams can see much better time after March once Saturn stops its negative influence. Knowledge seekers have a tough year especially after Mid-March which in turn can negatively impact exam results.


  • Slowly and gradually mental health can improve after March. Jupiter's influence after Mid-October can help bring hope and optimism back in life of individuals.
  • Those with acid reflux, GERD, IBS, gas and other stomach problems need to be extremely careful. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May can see increase in stomach problems.
  • Chances of heart blockage and surgery are there all year round due to influence of Saturn, Rahu and Mars for most parts of the year.
  • Saturn's limiting aspect after March can cause lower back pain, frequent UTI, thinning of urethra tube and possible stones in kidneys and bladder.
  • Chances of hospital stay are comparatively less. Chances of health problems to family members especially mother or father are not ruled out during course of year.
  • Those who chew tobacco can be troubled by Saturn's influence after March. Frequent cough, cold and fever can trouble individuals during course of the year.
Jupiter's Transit

Note: Jupiter will travel via three signs in 2025. First two points cover transit via Taurus, next two cover transit via Gemini and last two cover transit via Cancer.


  • Jupiter until Mid-May helps improve understanding in marriage and business partnerships. Jupiter will also favor those writing dissertation and academic reports. There are slight chances of promotions and pay raise atleast until April.
  • Jupiter will also help career related to marketing, PR, journalism and social media. Jupiter's influence can increase obesity, cough, cold and breathing problems.
  • Jupiter after Mid-May can improve relation with family members at home and with in-laws. Jupiter can also provide sudden and considerable gains via alimony, inheritance etc.
  • Jupiter will also favor both field and academic research as well as those seeking occults knowledge. Jupiter also favors long-term investments in gold and index/mutual funds.
  • Jupiter after Mid-October will bring back hope, romance and optimism in life of Scorpions. It will also favor Masters, Post Grad students and foreign higher education aspirants.
  • Long-term investors can see their investment grow multi-fold. Its an ideal time to go on long distance travels and short distance trips.
Saturn's Transit


  • Saturn's tough panoti phase finally ends after March and native starts to feel a lot better mentally and even physically.
  • Saturn before leaving may reward hard working students giving final exams in March or April. Job seekers also see better job opportunities after March.
  • Pregnant females need to take extreme care between Mid-March to Mid-May when Saturn joins Rahu in fifth house. Its equally tough phase for consultancy business.
  • Saturn's friendly influence will benefit standalone businesses after March. Opening or expanding business should be done with caution especially when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Saturn will negatively impact income and business profits. A few unlucky ones can see income stoppage during course of the year.
  • Saturn after March can cause some differences in marriage and business partnerships. Saturn's limiting aspect may delay or deny marriage this year unless other factors in horoscope help.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu until Mid-May can be tough for those with IBS, GERD, acid reflux, anxiety and schizophrenia. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May is especially troublesome.
  • Chances of income stoppage are not entirely ruled out between Mid-March to Mid-May. Relationship with children, friends and social contacts will also have its share of differences.
  • Rahu after Mid-May is ideal for real estate developers, investors, hotel and hospitality sector as well as transport business.
  • Rahu will also favor those who wish to go abroad or buy property at home or abroad. Chances of sudden and considerable gains via inheritance, alimony, insurance settlement etc are high thanks to Rahu's friendly influence.
  • Rahu and Ketu's influence on career house can cause differences with others and loss of focus at workplace. Rahu and Ketu can also cause a sudden and intense urge to quit job after Mid-May which can cause problems in long run.
  • Rahu will favor both field and academic research after Mid-May. Those doing remote work and WFH(Work From Home) particularly benefit after Mid-May thanks to Rahu.

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