Astro Isha

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General Prediction

sagittariusTime after March can be challenging yet rewarding for service sector due to Saturn's infuence. Business can have a dream period after Mid-May thanks to Jupiter and Rahu. Its equally beneficial for those looking to marry and settle down. There are high chances of promotion and pay raise after Mid-May thanks to Rahu and Jupiter's influence. Short-distance romantic trips and long-distance spiritual travels are advised after Mid-May.

Students in schools and colleges have a tough year especially after Mid-March. Its a good year for those doing Masters and Post Grad. Real estate investors are one of the worst impacted during course of the year. Chances of sudden and considerable gains are there between Mid-October to December thanks to exalted Jupiter. Accidents and injuries are not ruled out until June due to Mars.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Sagittarius Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Sagittarius Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will remain in Taurus in sixth house until 14th May 2025. Between 14th May to 18th October 2025 Jupiter will move into seventh house in Gemini Sign. Between 18th October to 5th December 2025 Jupiter moves into Cancer in eight house. From 5th December it moves back into Gemini via retrograde transit and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will be in Aquarius Sign in third house until 29th March 2025. Afterwards it starts panoti phase when it moves into Pisces Sign in fourth house and stays there for rest of the year. Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces between 13th July 2025 to 28th November 2025.
  • Rahu will remain in Pisces Sign in fourth house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into friendly Aquarius Sign in third house and stays there for rest of the year.
  • Ketu will be in Virgo Sign in tenth house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Leo Sign in ninth house.

  • After March career in service role can be challenging yet rewarding due to friendly influence of Saturn. Jupiter's weak influence until Mid-May maybe able to help deal with challenges better.
  • Time beween Mid-March to Mid-May and later when Saturn turns retrograde can be quite challenging for career. Chances of job loss not ruled out especially those with unstable jobs.
  • Those working in PR, marketing, networking, television, communication and social media have much better prospects during course of the year.
  • Job seekers can get good jobs especially after March but they will need to work extra hard to pass interviews. Few job rejections along the way not ruled out.
  • Chances of promotion and pay raise rise drastically after Mid-May due to blessings of Rahu and Jupiter on eleventh house of income. Far better chances of promotions for those willing to relocate for work.
  • Those working in hospital, pharmacy, health, sports, fitness and competitive sectors may feel overburdened due to excessive work. On bright side there is a chance to increase income drastically.
  • Those working in background jobs, field and academic research can benefit from exalted Jupiter's influence between Mid-October to December. Those working abroad can see gradual improvement in their fortunes after March.

  • Business can see far better prospects after Mid-May due to Jupiter and Rahu's influence. Time between Mid-May to Mid-October is ideal to open or expand business.
  • Fortunes of consultancy business can improve drastically after March once Saturn stops its malefic influence.
  • Import-export, offshore and business dealing with foreign clients can greatly benefit from Rahu-Ketu influence after Mid-May.
  • Business profits can improve drastically after Mid-May. Effective advertisements, marketing campaign and PR can lead to record business profits.
  • Business related to communication, marketing, mobiles and networking can see surge in profits and customers after Mid-May.
  • Its a challenging yet rewarding year for hospital, pharmacy, pathology labs and health realted business. Service oriented business can have it tough when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Business related to real estate, hotel and hospitality as well as transport can see very challenging times between Mid-March to Mid-May and later when Saturn turns retrograde.

  • Chances of promotion, pay raise and and increase in business profits rise drastically after Mid-May due to influence of Rahu and Jupiter.
  • Savings can be hit negatively by health issues, accidents or court cases. Time until June is especially troublesome for savings.
  • Real estate investors and those looking to buy/sell property will encounter some problems. Important to avoid buying or renting property especially between Mid-March to Mid-May.
  • Stock market investors, traders and speculators can have much better fortunes after March once Saturn stops its negative influence. Better to avoid gambling and betting atleast until June.
  • Long-term investments in gold and index/mutual funds are ideal during course of the year. Chances of IT raids or paying huge settlement or alimony are not ruled out for males until June.
  • Chances of sudden and considerable gains via inheritance, alimony, insurance or court settlement etc rise drastically between Mid-October to December when Jupiter gets exalted in eight house.

  • Jupiter after Mid-May can help increase understanding, communication and compassion in marriage life. Couples can also plan get togethers with friends and social contacts.
  • Saturn's limiting aspect until April is troublesome for pregnant females. Afterwards there are no major influence which trouble couples planning child birth.
  • Couples planning to buy or rent a house should avoid dates between Mid-March to Mid-May and later between Mid-July to Mid-October.
  • Relationship with children can improve after March once Saturn stops its influence. Relationship with in-laws, family, friends and siblings can improve during course of the year thanks to Jupiter.
  • Travels should be avoided until April due to Saturn's influence. Time after Mid-May is ideal to go on short distance exotic trips and long-distance spiritual travels.
  • Time until June is troublesome for couples with differences and bitter divorce not ruled out. Afterwards though Jupiter can help with reconciliation or atleast allow amicable separation.

  • Lovers have far better chance of finding a love interest after March once Saturn stops its malefic influence.
  • Lovers and those seeking arranged marriage have an ideal time after Mid-May thanks to Rahu and Jupiter.
  • If possible lovers should avoid romantic travels until April. Afterwards short-distance exotic trips and long-distance trekking is advised.
  • Chances of breakups are comparatively less after March. Lovers in live-in relationship are far more likely to see breakups.


  • Students in schools and colleges giving final year exams in March and April can see low grades or even failures. Overall its an extremely challenging year for them.
  • Students studying Post Grad and Masters have better time after Mid-May especially those involved in biology, medicine and MBA stream.
  • Foreign education aspirants for higher studies should opt for September intake. Time after Mid-May is far more favorable for those writing thesis and academic reports.
  • Phd. and research students see gradual improvement after March. Most of their problems can go away after Mid-May and they can achieve success in their research between Mid-October to December.
  • Those looking to pass competitive exams may need to work extra-hard but success is possible due to Saturn's friendly influence.
  • Knowledge seekers have a favorable year after March. Those seeking knowledge of occults and ones doing field research especially benefit from Jupiter's influence between Mid-October to December.


  • Saturn's limiting aspect on ascendant after March can increase negativity and pessimism. Retrograde Saturn can be tough for those with mental health problems.
  • Stomach problems can see some improvement after March especially flatulence problems once Saturn stops its malefic influence. On downside lower intestinal problems can increase especially swelling in intestine.
  • Those with breathing problems and lung disorders need to be careful during course of the year. Extreme caution advised in case of an epidemic.
  • Important for those with heart problems to get their cholesterol levels checked. Chances of heart blockage and surgery not ruled out especially between Mid-March to Mid-May and later when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Rahu after Mid-May can be troublesome for those with UTI and kidney problems. Rahu also advises using protection when engaging with multiple partners.
  • Those with history of tumors or neurological disorders need to be careful after Mid-May due to influence of Rahu and Jupiter.
Jupiter's Transit

Note: Jupiter will travel via three signs in 2025. First two points cover transit via Taurus, next two cover transit via Gemini and last two cover transit via Cancer.


  • Jupiter's weak influence until Mid-May will slightly favor job seekers and those in service role. It may help negate some of the problems at workplace due to influence of Rahu, Ketu and Saturn.
  • Chances of hospital stay are not ruled out between Mid-March to Mid-May especially for those with obesity or liver problems. Savings can be negatively impacted due to health and family issues.
  • Time after Mid-May is ideal to open/expand business and partnership. Increase in business profits and income raise are possible. Positivity and optimism can remain intact inspite of Saturn's malefic influence on ascendant.
  • Its also an ideal time for those who wish to marry and settle down. Relationship with spouse, friends and siblings can also improve.
  • Time between Mid-October to December can provide sudden and considerable gains via inheritance, alimony, insurance, court settlement etc. On downside there is chance of losing a loved one or separation from a loved one.
  • Its an ideal time for those doing field and academic research as well as those involved in occults. Real estate investors as well as those looking to buy or sell property also benefit from Jupiter's transit via Cancer.
Saturn's Transit


  • Saturn until April will be ideal for those working in marketing, communication, mobiles, television and journalism. On downside Saturn can cause differences with children and siblings.
  • Saturn until April can be equally tough for stock market traders and investors as well as those who need to travel regularly for work. Both offshore and consultancy business are negatively impacted until April by Saturn.
  • Saturn after March can be extremely challenging for students in schools and colleges. On bright side job seekers benefit from Saturn's friendly influence although a few job rejections possible along the way.
  • Saturn between Mid-March to Mid-May and later between Mid-July to November can be tough for work life balance. Relationship with superiors and co-workers as well as excess workload can stress out individuals.
  • Saturn's limiting aspect on ascendant after March can increase negativity and pessimism. Those with mental health problems can also be troubled by Saturn.
  • Those with heart blockage, intestinal problems and problems in leg region can be troubled by Saturn. Real estate investors and farmers maybe one of the worst impacted by Saturn's transit after March.
Rahu's Transit


  • Students in schools and colleges can see failures in final exams held in March or April due to Saturn joining Rahu. Its an equally tough period for those in real estate and those fighting court cases.
  • Work-life balance can be negatively impacted and differences with superiors and co-workers possible due to Rahu-Ketu. Rahu until Mid-May can cause loss of focus for those doing academic and field research.
  • Rahu after Mid-May will favor opening or expanding business as well as increasing business profits via effective marketing and PR strategies. Chances of promotions and pay raise are there after Mid-May due to Rahu's friendly influence.
  • Rahu after Mid-May will bless those who wish to marry and settle down. Rahu also allows short-distance exotic trips and long-distance spiritual travels.
  • Rahu and Ketu will favor students studying Masters and Post Grad. Foreign higher education aspirants can go abroad in September 2025 intake.
  • Those with heart and knee problems can be troubled by Rahu, Ketu and Saturn between Mid-March to Mid-May. Rahu after Mid-May can be troublesome for those with lung disorders and neurological problems.

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