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General Prediction

aquariusAquarians can breathe easy as Saturn moves out of ascendant around April 2025 and stops the core phase of Sade-Sati. Ofcourse final stage of Sade-Sati does remain. Rahu and Jupiter after Mid-May are ideal for higher education as well as long-distance exotic travels. Stock markets can provide record profits. Those wanting to marry and settle down can do so after Mid-May. Exalted Jupiter between Mid-October to December can provide dream roles to job seekers. Those who wish to migrate and work abroad also have better prospects between Mid-October to December.

On downside Saturn+Rahu between Mid-March to Mid-May can cause savings to deplete. Court cases and income tax raids can trouble Aquarians during course of the year. Couples having differences will most likely see bitter divorce. On bright side real estate investments are ideal after March. Things may gradually improve at workplace as Saturn after March and Rahu after Mid-May stop their negative influence.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Aquarius Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Aquarius Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will remain in Taurus in fourth house until 14th May 2025. Between 14th May to 18th October 2025 Jupiter will move into fifth house in Gemini Sign. Between 18th October to 5th December 2025 Jupiter moves into Cancer in sixth house. From 5th December it moves back into Gemini via retrograde transit and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will be in Aquarius Sign in ascendant until 29th March 2025. Afterwards it starts last phase of Sade-Sati when it moves into Pisces Sign in second house and stays there for rest of the year. Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces between 13th July 2025 to 28th November 2025.
  • Rahu will remain in Pisces Sign in second house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Aquarius Sign in ascendant and stay there for rest of the year.
  • Ketu will be in Virgo Sign in eight house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Leo Sign in seventh house.

  • Career can see gradual improvement once Saturn after March and Rahu after Mid-May stop their negative influence on tenth house of career.
  • Job seekers may see limited job opportunities until June due to Mars and Rahu's influence. Exalted Jupiter between Mid-October to December could help them get a dream role in government, MNC or reputed firm.
  • Chances of promotion and pay raise rise drastically after Mid-May when Jupiter influences eleventh house of income which has own-sign Sagittarius.
  • Those working in banking, finance, accountancy, field research and counseling roles maybe worst impacted especially between Mid-March to Mid-May and later when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Time after March is challenging but equally rewarding for those working in construction, farming, livestock, hotel and hospitality sector as well as real estate.
  • Relationship with others at workplace can improve gradually. Jupiter between Mid-October to December can lead to more job responsibilities and better co-ordination with others at workplace.
  • Those working in medical sector or providing medical services will be overburdened with work especially in case of an epidemic. Most parts of the year are favorable for those looking to migrate and work abroad.

  • Solo business will see gradual improvement after March once Saturn stops its limiting aspect. Partnership business will have challenges and differences whole year round.
  • Starting or expanding of business should be avoided if possible. Time after Mid-May is a dream period for consultancy, offshore and import-export businesses.
  • Saturn's friendly aspect after March can provide challenges but at same time reward those in real estate, construction, farming, livestock, hotel and hospitality sector.
  • Business profits can improve drastically after Mid-May thanks to Jupiter's influence. Jupiter's influence can provide good income from side-businesses.
  • Its an extremely challenging year for business related to banking, finance, accountancy, counseling and sales. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May and later when Saturn turns retrograde can be tough.
  • Business realted to hospitals, pathology labs, pharmacy and medical equpiments can see huge surge in profits albeit they will also see challenges.
  • Business related to networking, management, entertainment and social media can see better times after March.

  • There are high chances of promotions, pay raise and increase in business profits after Mid-May thanks to own-sign influence of Jupiter on eleventh house.
  • Savings can be negatively impacted after March by Saturn joining Rahu. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May and later when Saturn turns retrograde can cause loss of savings.
  • Real estate investors can earn good profits from buying/selling property albeit some caution advised in legal matters due to Saturn's limiting aspect.
  • Time after Mid-May can provide record profits from stock market investment, trading, speculation and even crypto currency due to Rahu and Jupiter.
  • Buying gold, index/mutual fund and investment in tax saver scheme is less advised. Chances of income tax raids not ruled out during course of the year.
  • Mars and later Jupiter could trouble those with considerable debts. Exalted Jupiter in sixth house of debts between Mid-October to December could negatively impact savings via hospital stay or family issues.

  • Saturn until March will increase differences and Rahu-Ketu after Mid-May will increase misunderstandings in marriage life.
  • On bright side Rahu and Jupiter after Mid-May can help increase romance and passion in marriage via fun date nights and social get togethers.
  • Long-distance exotic travels are particularly recommended after Mid-May. Short distance trips should be avoided until April due to Saturn's limiting aspect.
  • Couples planning child birth should try between Mid-May to Mid-October when Jupiter is in fifth house. Relationship with children can also improve after Mid-May thanks to Jupiter.
  • Couples planning to buy a home or rent a house should avoid time between Mid-July to December when Saturn is retrograde.
  • Differences with family members and in-laws can remain during course of the year first due to Rahu-Ketu and later due to Saturn.
  • Couples who can't solve their differences can see bitter divorce during course of the year. Chances of paying heavy alimony are not ruled out especially for male natives.

  • Lovers have an ideal time after Mid-May thanks to Jupiter and Rahu's influence. Chances of finding a new love interest rise drastically.
  • Lovers and those seeking arranged marriage can marry and settle down after Mid-May when Rahu influences seventh house of marriage.
  • Time after Mid-May is ideal to plan fun date nights and parties with friends. Lovers can plan long-distance exotic travels to rekindle romance and passion in love life.
  • Chances of breakups are comparatively less after March once Mars stops its influence on fifth house of romance.


  • Students in schools and colleges require to work extra hard after March due to Saturn's limiting aspect. Ofcourse good grades are possible as Saturn's influence is on a friendly sign.
  • Students studying Masters and Post Grad have an ideal year after Mid-May. Those studying medicine, hospital management and design courses particularly benefit.
  • Rahu after Mid-May supports individuals who wish to go abroad for higher studies. There are no major influence which trouble students writing dissertation and academic reports after March.
  • Students involved in Phd. and academic research have a favorable year. Time after Mid-May is much more favorable for knowledge seekers.
  • Students giving competitive exams can see failures until June due to influence of Mars and Rahu. There is far better chance of clearing competitive exams between Mid-October to December.


  • Mental health will remain a cause of concern as Saturn until March and Rahu after Mid-May influences ascendant. Those with anxiety, schizophrenia and phobias maybe worst impacted.
  • Those with thyroid issues, teeth and mouth problems can see their problems worsen between Mid-March to Mid-May. Tobacco consumers maybe worst impacted by Saturn+Rahu joining together in second house.
  • Chances of problems in lower back, kidneys and urinary tract, frequent UTI as well as stones in kidney and urinary tract possible first due to Saturn and later due to Ketu.
  • Chances of hospital stay are not ruled out first due to Mars and later due to Jupiter's influence. There can be considerable loss of savings due to hospital stay.
  • Chances of heart blockage, constipation and fractures in buttock or thigh region are there after March. Time after Mid-March is tough for those with piles and constipation.
  • Bloating, flatulence and acid reflux can happen frequently after Mid-May due to Jupiter and Rahu's influence.
  • On bright side Jupiter's transit via Gemini and aspect of ascendant can help increase hope and optimism in life.
Jupiter's Transit

Note: Jupiter will travel via three signs in 2025. First two points cover transit via Taurus, next two cover transit via Gemini and last two cover transit via Cancer.


  • Jupiter until Mid-May will favor students in schools, colleges as well as those doing Phd. and academic research. Jupiter may also help negate some of the bad effects of Saturn and Rahu on career.
  • Those looking to buy, sell or rent property as well as real estate investors and farmers benefit from Jupiter's presence until Mid-May. Jupiter can also provide alimony or inheritance especially to females.
  • Jupiter between Mid-May to Mid-October can provide wonderful returns from stock markets. Its equally ideal for romance and long-distance travels.
  • There are high chances of promotion, pay raise and increase in business profits. Couples planning child birth as well as those doing Master and Post Grad benefit.
  • Jupiter between Mid-October to December can provide dream job roles in government and MNC sector. Those giving competitive exams can also see success during this period.
  • This period is also suitable for those wanting to migrate and settle abroad. On downside there can be debts and loss of savings due to family or health issues.
Saturn's Transit


  • Saturn until April can be troublesome for those with mental health problems, lower back pain and urinary tract problems. Saturn's influence on tenth house of career can cause delays in projects and differences with superiors.
  • Relationship with spouse, business partners, siblings and father can also have differences until April. From April onwards relationship with in-laws, mother and friends can have some differences.
  • Those fighting court cases will see delays and disappointments. Couples unable to solve differences would most likely end up seeking divorce during course of the year.
  • Saturn after March is tough for banking, finance, back office jobs and those doing field research. Those with teeth, mouth and thyroid problems also need to be careful.
  • Saturn's influence can be troublesome for those with heart blockages, constipation and piles. Surgery not entirely ruled out during course of the year.
  • On bright side time after March is ideal for real estate investors and those looking to buy/sell property. Students in schools and colleges can get good grades provided they work hard.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu along with Mars until June can trouble job seekers due to its negative influence. Career can have its share of challenges as Rahu along with Saturn influence tenth house of career.
  • Time between Mid-March to Mid-May is troublesome for those with teeth, mouth, thyroid, piles and constipation due to Saturn+Rahu. Its equally troublesome for finance and savings as well as for those fighting court cases.
  • Rahu after Mid-May can give dream returns from stock market investment, trading and speculation. Its also ideal for those doing Masters, Post Grad as well as foreign higher education aspirants.
  • Couples and lovers can increase romance and passion via long-distance exotic travels. Rahu will also favor consultancy, offshore and import-export businesses.
  • Lovers can find a new love interest after Mid-May due to Rahu's influence. Rahu-Ketu's influence is also somewhat favorable for those who wish to marry and settle down.
  • On downside some differences remain with spouse and business partners. Business can also have its share of challenges and frustration due to Rahu and Ketu's influence on enemy sign Leo.
  • Those with mental health problems especially anxiety, schizophrenia and phobias can be troubled by Rahu after Mid-May. Rahu and Ketu can also be troublesome for those with urinary tract problems and lower back pain.

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