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General Prediction

pisces2025 has Saturn starting core phase of Sade-Sati around April. Saturn will bring challenges and frustration especially in career and marriage life. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May is one of the worst phases in recent years when Saturn joins Rahu in ascendant. On positive note Jupiter and Rahu will favor real estate investors and also help those who wish to migrate and settle abroad. Chances of sudden and considerable gains via alimony, inheritance or insurance settlement are high after Mid-May.

Job seekers and those in service roles can be troubled by Saturn and later by Rahu and Ketu. Jupiter between Mid-October to December can be ideal for stock markets, consultancy and import-export business. Chances of increase in job responsibilites and eventual promotions rise drastically after Mid-May. Retrograde Saturn can cause misunderstandings and miscommunication to increase with spouse, siblings, neighbors and superiors.

Note: This reading is for natives born with Moon in Pisces Sign based on vedic astrology. Those with Pisces Ascendant can also use this as a reference point.

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Important Transits
  • Jupiter will remain in Taurus in third house until 14th May 2025. Between 14th May to 18th October 2025 Jupiter will move into fourth house in Gemini Sign. Between 18th October to 5th December 2025 Jupiter exalts in fifth house when it moves into Cancer Sign. From 5th December it moves back into Gemini via retrograde transit and stays there until end of the year.
  • Saturn will be in Aquarius Sign in twelfth house until 29th March 2025. Afterwards it starts core phase of Sade-Sati when it moves into own-sign in ascendant and stays there for rest of the year. Saturn will turn retrograde in Pisces between 13th July 2025 to 28th November 2025.
  • Rahu will remain in ascendant in own-sign until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Aquarius Sign in twelfth house and stays there for rest of the year.
  • Ketu will be in Virgo Sign in seventh house until 18th May 2025. Afterwards it moves into Leo Sign in sixth house.

  • Those in service sector have a tough year with Saturn until March and Rahu-Ketu after Mid-May troubling them via influence.
  • Chances of more job responsibilities and better co-ordination with others rises after Mid-May due to Jupiter's influence on tenth house which has own-sign.
  • Those involved in backend roles like taxation, accountancy and field researchers may also benefit from Jupiter and Rahu's influence.
  • Chances of promotions are there for most parts of the year especially until June due to influence of Mars and later between Mid-October to December thanks to Jupiter's influence.
  • Job seekers have a tough year with Saturn until April and Rahu-Ketu after Mid-May influencing sixth house of service. Daily commuters and natives looking to relocate for job maybe troubled by retrograde Saturn.
  • It can be challenging yet rewarding year after March for those involved in media, marketing, PR, journalism and social media thanks to friendly influence of Saturn. Those working in medical field like hospitals, pathology labs, pharmacy etc may feel over whelmed by work pressure.
  • Time after Mid-May is ideal for those working in real estate, construction, farming, hotel and hospitality sector thanks to influence of Jupiter and Rahu.

  • Time until April can be challenging yet rewarding for businesses due to friendly influence of Rahu-Ketu. Even weak aspect of Jupiter can help grow business via effective marketing and networking.
  • From April onwards things can turn challenging as Saturn joins Rahu and influences seventh house. Retrograde Saturn can be extremely challenging for businesses especially partnership business.
  • Business profits can remain strong for most parts of the year thanks to Jupiter's weak influence. Mars until June should reward consultancy, IT and fast food businesses.
  • If possible natives should avoid opening or expanding business and partnership especially between Mid-March to Mid-May.
  • Consultancy, import-export and offshore business can see record profits between Mid-October to December thanks to exalted Jupiter.
  • Business related to real estate, construction, hotel and hospitality sector, farming, medical services and goods can see wonderful times after Mid-May thanks to Jupiter and Rahu.
  • Education, counseling and foreign consultancy business can also see considerable growth after Mid-May thanks to Jupiter and Rahu.

  • Chances of promotion, pay raise and increase in business profits are there for most parts of the year. Chances of income stoppage are comparatively less.
  • There are no major influence which trouble savings. Investment in gold and index/mutual fund is largely favorable during course of the year.
  • Real estate investors as well as those looking to buy, sell or rent property have a favorable year after Mid-May thanks to Rahu and Jupiter. Some care advised when buying property and signing legal documents.
  • Stock market investors and traders can earn decent side-income until June. Time between Mid-October to December is a dream period for long-term investors in stock markets.
  • Debts will keep increasing as Saturn until March and Rahu-Ketu after Mid-May influence sixth house of debts. Chances of heavy financial losses not ruled out due to scamsters or via gambling/betting.
  • Chances of sudden and considerable gains via inheritance, alimony, insurance settlement or maturing financial policy are there after Mid-May thanks to Rahu's influence.

  • Saturn after March joins Rahu and Ketu in tormenting married couples. Things can go from bad to worse especially between Mid-March to Mid-May when multiple planets influence seventh house of marriage.
  • On bright side family life and intimacy in marriage improves after March once Saturn stops its influence. Rahu and Jupiter after Mid-May can help increase physical intimacy and romance in marriage life.
  • Couples who wish to buy or rent a new house have favorable time after Mid-May due to Jupiter and Rahu's influence. Rahu after Mid-May favors exotic foreign trips and migration to foreign countries for couples.
  • Short distance trips are less recommended this year. Long-distance foreign trips are advised after Mid-May while spiritual travels can be pursued between Mid-October to December.
  • Couples planning child birth can be blessed with intelligent and obedient child between Mid-October to December by exalted Jupiter. Relationship with children can also improve greatly after May once Mars and Rahu stop their influence.
  • Couples with major differences will most likely opt for separation especially after March. Chances of considerable inheritance via separation possible for female native after Mid-May.

  • Rahu and debilitated Mars influence fifth house of romance until June. And they can cause major differences and bitter breakup with lover.
  • Exalted Jupiter between Mid-October to December can bless native with a faithful and caring love interest who brings joy, happiness and romance in life of Pisces individual.
  • Saturn's limiting aspect after March is less favorable to marry and settle down. Still lovers and arranged marriage enthusiast can marry between 18th October to 25th November for better prospects.
  • Short distance trips are somewhat favorable until March. Lovers should try long-distance foreign exotic trips after Mid-May as Rahu and Jupiter will favor it.


  • There are no major influences which trouble school and college going students in final exams happening in March and April. Ofcourse heavy influences of ascendant can cause excess stress and anxiety during exam time.
  • Jupiter and Rahu after Mid-May will ensure wonderful grades for school and college going students especially those in research, mathematics and marketing line. Slowly and gradually after March things start to get better for those doing Masters and Post Grad.
  • Foreign higher education aspirants should target September 2025 intake for better prospects. Time between Mid-October to December will be ideal for Masters, Post Grad and foreign higher education aspirants.
  • Its largely a favorable year for those involved in Phd. and academic research with strong Saturn and later friendly Rahu helping them. Those writing disseration and academic reports can write wonderful report due to Saturn's friendly influence.
  • Knowledge seekers can have a tough year until Mid-May due to Rahu's negative influence. Time between Mid-October to December is ideal for them due to exalted Jupiter's influence.
  • Those giving competitive exams will be challenged by Saturn until March and later by Rahu-Ketu. Still other factors in horoscope can allow success especially in exams held after May.


  • Mental health can remain a cause of concern with Saturn joining Rahu in ascendant after March. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May can be one of the most challenging periods for mental health.
  • Those with history of anxiety, phobias, depression, schizophrenia and other serious ailments maybe worst impacted. On bright side Jupiter between Mid-October to December can greatly help improve mental health.
  • Those with acid reflux, flatulence and bloating can be troubled by Rahu first and later by Jupiter. Its equally troublesome year for those with IBS, intestine swelling and problems in digestive system.
  • Problems in kidney, urinary tract and lower back can trouble all year round. UTI, stones and slip disk a possibility first due to Rahu-Ketu and later by Saturn.
  • Those who smoke regularly can be troubled by retrograde Saturn. Those with frequent cough, cold and breathing problems need to take extra-care in case of an epidemic.
  • Pregnant females need to be extra-careful until June due to Mars and Rahu's negative influence. Chances of injuries in thigh region not ruled out during course of the year.
Jupiter's Transit

Note: Jupiter will travel via three signs in 2025. First two points cover transit via Taurus, next two cover transit via Gemini and last two cover transit via Cancer.


  • Jupiter until Mid-May can support those working in communication, marketing and social media sector. It can also provide some amount of stability in income and pay raise.
  • Jupiter can also help minimize some of the negative influence of Saturn and Rahu for students studying Masters, Post Grad and those studying on foreign soil. On downside it can be troublesome for those with lung disorders, cough, cold and breathing problems especially in case of an epidemic.
  • Jupiter between Mid-May to Mid-October will help students in schools and colleges as well as researchers and those doing background work. Jupiter will lead to more job responsibility and better co-ordination with others at workplace.
  • Jupiter will also favor career in real estate, construction, farming, hotel and hospitality sector. Those wanting to migrate with family should do so when Jupiter occupies Gemini.
  • Jupiter between Mid-October to December can provide dream returns from stock markets and crypto. It can also help those doing consultancy, offshore and import-export business.
  • Chances of child birth for couples and finding new love interest for lovers are high. Travels, get togethers with friends and income can keep mood cheerful and happy.
Saturn's Transit


  • April 2025 brings the core phase of Sade-Sati in life of Pisceans and life won't be easy for next few years. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May can be extremely tough for mental and physical health.
  • Saturn until April is in twelfth house which can be troublesome for family life and health. It will negatively impact job seekers and those already employed in service roles.
  • On bright side Saturn will favor those who wish to migrate and work abroad as well as those already living abroad. Saturn will also support those doing Phd. and academic research.
  • Saturn from April onwards can cause problems with spouse, siblings, business partners and bosses. Business will have its share of challenges especially between Mid-March to Mid-May and later when Saturn turns retrograde.
  • Breathing problems, stones in kidney and urinary tract, lower back pain and thinning of urethra are a possibility. Those with differences in marriage will feel a strong urge to separate from spouse.
  • Saturn's friendly aspect can be challenging yet rewarding for those involved in marketing, communication, social media and for daily commuters. It can also favor those writing dissertation and research paper.
Rahu's Transit


  • Rahu in ascendant until Mid-May is tough for mental health. Time between Mid-March to Mid-May can be one of the worst periods in recent times for those with mental health problems.
  • Rahu along with Mars until June can cause complications in pregnancy and breakups in relationship. Rahu and Ketu until Mid-May are equally troubling for marriage and business.
  • Rahu and Ketu can also cause problems in urinary tract and lower back problems. Rahu after Mid-May will favor those doing field and academic research.
  • There is a chance for sudden and considerable gains after Mid-May via insurance, alimony, inheritance etc. Rahu will also favor those looking to buy, rent or sell their property.
  • Rahu's influence after Mid-May will help those involved in real estate, construction, hotel and hospitality as well as foreign education consultancy. On downside Rahu and Ketu can cause swelling in intestine and other diseases related to intestine.
  • Those involved in medical sector like hospitals, pathology labs, pharmacy etc will be overworked and stressed out. Job seekers and those giving competitive exams will also be troubled by Rahu and Ketu after Mid-May.

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