Rajalakshana Yoga Rajalakshana Yoga

Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

What is Rajalakshana Yoga? How is it formed?

     Check if you have Rajlakshana Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     When benefics like Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon are placed in ascendant or in quadrant then the resultant yoga is called Rajalakshana Yoga.

Examples of Rajalakshana Yoga
rajlakshana yoga ni
rajlakshana yoga si
Results of Rajlakshana Yoga

     The native will be blessed with attractive looks and have a good upbringing in a noble family.

Conditions of Rajlakshana Yoga

     A bad placement of Moon and Mercury cannot guarantee good looks but the native does command respect, dignity and high regard among his/her friends and family members.

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