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What is Sakata Yoga? How is it formed?

     Check if you have Sakata Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     When Moon counted from Jupiter occupies the sixth house, eight house or twelfth house than a yoga for poverty known as Sakata Yoga is formed. One needs to count the house of Jupiter as first house and if Moon is located in sixth house, eight house or twelfth house from it then Sakata Yoga is formed.

Examples of Sakata Yoga
sakata yoga ni
sakata yoga si
Results of Sakata Yoga

     The native loses fortune and regains it. He would be ordinary and insignificant. He will suffer from poverty and miseries in life. He would be stubborn and hated by relatives.

Conditions/Remedies of Sakata Yoga

     While the results give a very scary story it is not usually so. It is true the native may see times when there are monetary losses and troubles but he regains it. Native with Sakata Yoga are advised to stop financial transactions and investments when Moon transits over the sixth house, eight house or twelfth house from birth-time Jupiter.

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