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What is Amala Yoga? How is it formed?

     Check if you have Amala Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Amala Yoga is formed when a benefic occupies the tenth house counted from ascendant or Moon. Jupiter, Venus and Mercury are natural benefics. One of them occupying the tenth house counted from Moon or ascendant is a possible case of Amala Yoga.

Examples of Amala Yoga
amala yoga ni
amala yoga si
Results of Amala Yoga

     Natives born with Amala Yoga will achieve ever lasting fame and reputation. They will lead a prosperous life and have a spotless character.

Conditions of Amala Yoga

     If the lord of the tenth house is weak than Amala Yoga doesn't give the same results. Some texts say even a malefic in tenth house from Moon or ascendant causes Amala Yoga. Amala in Sanskrit means clean and pure. With malefics like Saturn, Rahu, Mars, Sun or Ketu the clean and pure image may not be present but if native desires progress by any means then having one of the malefics in tenth house is not a bad idea. In short Amala Yoga is caused even by malefics but reputation isn't perfect while with benefics the Amala Yoga gives good reputation, steady progress and positive character which is liked by all.

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