Check if you have Kahala Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator
Kahala Yoga is formed when lords of fourth house and ninth house are situated in quadrants from each other and lord of ascendant is strongly disposed. Simply put it if lord of fourth house is located in fifth house then lord of ninth house should be located in either the fifth house or eight house or eleventh house or second house. Also the lord of ascendant should have a strong placement.

Native will be stubborn and not well informed. Due to his bravery he could lead a small army or be head of a few villages.
Kahala Yoga natives could be excellent in army and police jobs. They could do well in any place where a bit of bravery is required. They are better advised to avoid jobs where information gathering is required. They are quick to think and act and career which requires quick thoughs and actions could give steady and excellent progress.
Kahala Yoga is formed by placement of fourth house and ninth house in quadrants from each other. Fourth house is the house of happiness and ninth house is the house of fortune and luck. Also the lord of ascendant(first house) needs to be strongly disposed. If lord of ascendant is weak Kahala Yoga doesn't give good results.
Kahala Yoga is also formed if lord of fourth house is in exalted or own sign being aspected or associated with lord of the tenth house. In this scenario also the lord of the ascendant should be strongly disposed in order to receive the full effects of Kahala Yoga.
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