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What is Amsavatara Yoga? How is it formed?

     Check if you have Amsavatara Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Amsavatara Yoga is one of the yogas for fame and overall well-being. It is mentioned in B. V. Raman's book titled: 300 Hundred Important Combinations. For Amsavatara Yoga to form in a horoscope there are three conditions that must be met. Below are the three conditions.

  1. Venus and Jupiter must be in a movable sign(Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn) and be placed in a quadrant.
  2. Ascendant should have a movable sign.
  3. Saturn must be exalted in one of the quadrants.
Examples Of Amsavatara Yoga
amsavatara yoga north
amsavatara yoga south
Results of Amsavatara Yoga

     Those born with Amsavatara Yoga earn name and fame which cannot be sullied. They are learned, versatile, love sex and related activities, have a good grasp on philosophical subjects and are generally among the ruling class.

Rarest of the rare yoga

     This yoga is very rare. Considering Saturn is only exalted in Libra and it takes around thirty years for Saturn to re-enter Libra Sign. Last time Saturn was in Libra between 2012-2014. Before that it was in Libra Sign between 1983-1985. Also Jupiter or Venus need to be occupying a movable sign and ascendant should be in a movable sign as well. These conditions make this yoga one of the rarest yoga to have in a horoscope.

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