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What is Kusuma Yoga? How is it formed?

     Check if you have Kusuma Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Check if you have Kusuma Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator

     Kusuma Yoga is mentioned in B. V. Raman's works titled: 300 Hundred Important Combinations. It is a yoga which grants kings status and ensures overall well-being. For Kusuma Yoga to arise in the horoscope there are certain conditations which must be met which are explained below:

  1. Jupiter must be located in ascendant.
  2. Moon must be located in the seventh house.
  3. Sun must be located in the second house.
Examples Of Kusuma Yoga
kusuma yoga north
kusuma yoga south
Results of Kusuma Yoga

     The person who is born with Kusuma Yoga would be head of government or hold high position in it. He could even be a ruler of a land. They are protector of their society and tribe. They can build and head towns and villages with their own efforts. And best of them all they have a reputation which cannot be maligned.

Remarks On Amsavatara Yoga

     Jupiter and Moon in seventh house from each other gives Gaja-Kesari Yoga. It is one of the best wealth yogas possible in horoscope. If Jupiter in own sign or exaltion sign then that gives Saraswati Yoga in horoscope. If Jupiter is located in Twelfth House from Moon then it gives Shubhavasi Yoga. Many who become mayor, governors, magistrates, district attorneys or something similar are born with Kusuma Yoga. Though it is not always the case.

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