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What is Trilochana Yoga?

     Trilochana Yoga is yoga mentioned in B. V. Raman's 300 Important Combinations. Tri means three and Lochan means eyes in sanskrit. Trilochan means three eyes. Sun, Moon and Mars are the three planets involved in this yoga.

How is Trilochana Yoga formed?

     Trilochana Yoga requires Sun, Moon and Mars to be located in trine from each other. To further simplify it here are three basic rules.

  1. Check where birth-time Sun is located and count it as first house.
  2. In fifth house counted from Sun there must either Moon or Mars.
  3. In the ninth house counted from Sun there must be Moon or Mars whichever is not present in fifth house.

     As long as Sun, Moon and Mars are in separate houses and located in trine from each other Trilochana Yoga will form although strength may vary.

Examples of Trilochana Yoga
Results of Trilochana Yoga

     Person born with Trilocahana Yoga has good amount of wealth, high intelligence and lives a long life. Such natives can be intimidating and terrifying for people who make enemies out of them.

Remarks on Trilocahana Yoga

     Trine houses in vedic astrology are known as Laxmi Sthanas. Goddess Laxmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Similarly having planets in trine from each other would bring wealth and prosperity in life of native. And since Sun, Moon and Mars are all friends there is every possibility that native born with such a yoga has a smooth career, plenty of wealth and prosperity as well as less problems in life compared to others.

     Lord Shiva is also known as Trilochan as he has three eyes. Third eye in vedic knowledge signifies enlightenment.

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