Astro Isha

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What is Go Yoga?

     Gola Yoga is yoga mentioned in B. V. Raman's 300 Important Combinations. Gola Yoga is formed only when there is a full moon. Shape of full moon appears to be rounded. So the word gola is used which means round in hindi.

How is Go Yoga formed?

     Gola Yoga requires three conditions to be formed.

  1. Native must be born on a full moon(Purnima).
  2. Moon must be located with Jupiter and Venus in ninth house counted from ascendant.
  3. In Navamsha Chart there should be Mercury in ascendant.
Examples of Gola Yoga
Results of Gola Yoga

     Person born with Gola Yoga is learned and polite. He/She is quite influential and holds some amount of power and privilages in their village, city or firm. He/She lives a long life and generally eats healthy and wholesome foods.

Remarks on Gola Yoga

     This would be an extremely rare yoga cause full moon only happens twelve to thirteen times in a year. And probability of Jupiter and Venus joining together with the full Moon in same sign would also be quite rare.

     If this yoga happens in quadrant then it maybe a strong case for Gaja-Kesari Yoga. In such cases Mercury in Navamsha ascendant or full moon isn't required.

     Moon with Jupiter and Venus in same sign located in a quadrant or trine should give good fortune and happiness in life. Irrelevant of Gola Yoga such natives should be well-placed in life.

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