Ishu Yoga comes under Akriti Yogas of the Nabhasha Yogas mentioned in B. V. Raman's 300 Important Combinations. Nabasha Yogas are described in other old astrological texts like Brihat Jataka and Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra(BPHS).
Ishu Yoga is a very simple yoga formed when seven planets including Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn occupy second quandrant. In simple words these seven planets should occupy:
- Fourth House
- Fifth House
- Sixth House
- Seventh House
As long as all seven planets are in second quandrant this yoga should ocurr.

According to B. V. Raman having Ishu Yoga in horoscope makes one a head or superintendent of jail or concentration camps. In modern times this yoga could give job as head of a prestigious institute. One could be in charge of hospital staff or a school principal. Perhaps any type of setting where movement is restricted and there is a need for discipline.
B. V. Raman does not think too highly of Akriti Yogas of which Ishu Yoga is a part. He thinks they don't contribute much to the success of an individual. According to B. V. Ramam they give a better idea about means of livelihood a person will have.
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