Astro Isha

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Dream Of Most

     Most people desire a stable career where there is monthly paycheck as well as chances of promotion at regular interval. There is pension on retirement as well as other associated perks. Truth is only 5-10% of people actually get this scenario true in their life. And 80% of them are sure to have a benefic in career house or income house specifically Jupiter, Venus or Mercury.

     Its true malefics can also give a great career and income. But career stability and peace of mind is generally missing. Natives with malefics in career and income house have to work much harder to get the success they desire. But with benefics occupying career house or income house there are less struggles related to career. Below are two examples of benefics occupying career house and income house and giving great income, career stability and associated perks.

Mukesh Ambani
stable north
stable south

    Mr. Mukesh Ambani is the head of Reliance Group which is the most valued company in India with an estimated valuation of 150 billion $. Mukesh Ambani has Jupiter in income house in Leo Sign. This is the reason why he had a stable income all throughout his career. Currently he earns 4 crore(40 million) ₹/monthly. Apart from the time when he lost half the inheritance due to family feud there have been no instances of major unstability in his life. Jupiter in income house has all but ensured he works in a great company at top post, has a stable income and has received associated perks all his life from his job role.

Zonal Head of Bank
stable north
stable south

     The above provided horoscope of a zonal head of a bank is a great example of how benefics in career and income house can give a stable income and associated perks. The native has four debilitated planets namely Saturn, Moon, Venus and Mars. And inspite of that he still managed to become zonal head of a bank. This is cause there is a debilitated Venus in his career house which gives him a career as a banker. And there is a weak Jupiter in income house which gives him a great income with associated perks. This shows that benefics no matter how weak can give a good career and stable income if situated in career house and income house.

Greatest Asset To Have

     Most people in life desire three things. A good house, a great career and a happy marriage. We will discuss marriage and house at some later time. But do know when it comes to having a stable career with good monthly income, associated perks and retiring with good pension nothing beats having benefics in career and income house. Its almost a surity from horoscope that your career stability and progression is guaranteed.

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