Astro Isha

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Three Lotus

Tripushkar consists of two words: Tri which means three in sanskrit and Pushkar means lotus. Tripushkar means three lotus. Lotus is mostly associated with creator God Brahma and Goddess of wealth Laxmi. That is cause lotus signifies creation, abundance, purity and enlightenment.

Tripushkar Yoga is great for buying land, gold, silver, gold/silver ornaments as well as starting construction of house. It is also suitable for sports related activity. This yoga is said to give three times the fruits as compared to other yogas.

Double Edged Sword

Tripushkar Yoga is double edged sword as it triples both good and bad effects. For example: Someone who gambles regularly may win thrice the amount he regularly earns if he gambles when Tripushkar Yoga is formed. But if the gambler is on a bad streak than chances are he will lose thrice the amount of what he maybe losing before. As such its important to look at birth-time chart, vimshottari dasha and even planetary transits before trying shortcuts in this auspicious time.

Having said that Tripushkar Yoga is a golden opportunity for long-term investors to triple their returns. For real estate buyers its a golden period to ensure you get to buy atleast two more properties in coming years. For long-term stock market investors it can guarantee three times returns on original investment. Similar is case for those buying gold and silver.

Avoiding Certain Activities

Tripushkar Yoga not just gives thrice the returns it can also make native repeat an activity thrice. As such marriage, engagement, taking/giving loans, selling property or signing property documents is not advised.

How Is Tripushkar Yoga Formed?

Tripushkar Yoga is formed when there is convergence of certain days, tithis and nakshatras. Below are the conditions required for Tripushkar Yoga to form:

Yoga At Night

Tripushkar yoga many times happens at night. This makes it useless for investment in stock markets, buying property and for investment in gold, silver and buying gold/silver ornaments as all these transactions generally happen in daytime. Ofcourse crypto investors are free to invest in good crypto coins at night when Tripushkar Yoga is formed. Some care advised as crypto is a risky investment.

Ideal For Long-Term

Tripushkar Yoga is ideal for long-term investors as it guarantees thrice the returns or possibly an opportunity to buy property/gold/silver atleast two more times in few years time. Those who are patient and prefer long-term investment should make sure to invest in Tripushkar Yoga for maximum returns.

Gamblers, traders and speculators should only use this yoga if they are feeling lucky. Or possibly only after consulting with a competant astrologer.

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