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Headache Intro

     Headaches just like digestive problems are quite common. A person normally suffers from three types of headaches.

  • Tension Headache: Tension headache are the most common type of headache. They are more common in woman. They are generally caused due to stress, insomnia or empty stomach
  • Migraine Headache: They generally occur on one side of the brain. Sometimes they occur for particular days of month and are known as chronic migraines. Sometimes there maybe no headache but other things like blurred vision, nausea and dizziness.
  • Clustor Headache: Generally occur more in men. Cluster headache are rare and often occur suddenly without no particular reason. They may occur at particular time of year like spring or autumn.
Planets and headache

     Ascendant also known as first house rules over head and face. Planets and signs influencing the ascendant generally give us an idea about the reason for headache.

  • Saturn influencing the ascendant can cause headache due to gas building up in body(flatulence), insomnia, stress, fracture in skull or constipation.
  • Mars influencing the ascendant can cause headache due to acid reflux, injury, insomnia, blood pressure or anger.
  • Sun alone in ascendant is less likely to cause headache. Planets influencing Sun or sign in ascendant may lead to headache.
  • Moon influencing ascendant can cause headache due to cough, cold, flu and fever.
  • Mercury influencing ascendant can cause headache due to indigestion, problem in nerves or constipation.
  • Jupiter is related to expansion. If Jupiter is problematic than headache is likely due to tumor, flatulence and indigestion. Keep in mind Jupiter alone doesn't cause tumor. Some planet must be inflencing it in birth-time chart or transit chart.
  • Venus causes diabetes. Headache is a common symptom of change in sugar levels in the body.
  • Rahu can cause headache due to nerve problems, tumor or flatulence. When Rahu causes a disease its generally very hard to predict.
  • Ketu just like Mars would increase anger and acid reflux which leads to headache. If headache is occuring due to Rahu or Ketu chances of it being clustor headache or migraine headache are high. It will take time to go away.
Signs and headache

     Astrological signs in ascendant can also give some idea of the type of headache a person is likely to suffer from.

  • Fiery signs in ascendant like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius are more likely to get headache due to acid reflux, anger or fever.
  • Earthy signs in ascendant like Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn are more likely to get headache due to indigestion, toxins not flushing out and constipation.
  • Airy Signs in ascendant like Gemini, Libra or Aquarius are more likely to get headache due to flatulence, anxiety and stress. These signs can also get headaches due to nervous problems or tumor in the head.
  • Watery signs in ascendant like Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces are more likely to get headache due to dehydration, cold, cough, flu and fever.
Foods To Eat

     Things like garlic, rock salt, turmeric, clove, cardamom, cinamom, peppermint and ginger with regular food keep away indigestion, flatulence, nausea, vomitting, cold, cough and fever reducing chances of getting common forms of headache. Don't remain hungry for long periods of time. Drink plenty of water during the day. And eat foods like almond, water melon, banana and vegetables.

Foods To Avoid

     Avoid excess caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee and other beverages especially after evening. Pour milk in tea/coffee as it greatly helps reduce acid reflux. Avoid citrus fruits especially on empty stomach. Avoid consuming pizza, burgers, pasta and other gluten rich food on daily basis. Avoid aged cheese like cheddar, parmesan and swiss cheese. Limit consumption of foods high in nitrates like processed meat. Avoid foods rich in monosodium glumate like chinese foods. Icecream, iced tea, iced water and other frozen foods trigger nerves around head which cause headache. Finally the biggest contributors to headache are tobacco and alcohol. Its not necessary to totally stop eating all these foods. One must limit their intake.

Yoga and Pranayam For Headache

     Anulom Vilom is the best pranayam for headache. Regularly practising it for 10-15 minutes can greatly reduce most common headache and migraine problems. Brahmari Pranayam is also wonderful for headache. Do it for 3-5 minutes daily. There is Adho Mukha Svanasana, Shishuasana, Setu Bandhasana, Halasana and Shavasana which are good asanas for migraine.

     Pranayam can be done without any side effects. But one must consult yoga expert and see the do's and dont's before trying any yogasana.

Natural Remedies For Headache

     Oils made from nilgiri, eucalyptus, aloevera, almond and lavendar are the best oils to apply when you have headache. Keep in mind these oils must not have mineral oil in them. Mineral oil increases chances of severe headache.

Visit a Doctor first

     If you have a headache for more than two days than its wise to consult a doctor. Its futile to keep wasting time on home remedies. But after the problems are relieved its not a bad exercise to get in touch with astrological, yoga and ayurveda expert if headache keeps recurring. Astrology expert can help track the astrological reason for your headache. Yoga expert can suggest with yoga poses to keep the problem away. While ayurveda expert can suggest you foods and natural medicines to consume so that there is less likelihood of headache occurring. As they say: Prevention is better than cure.

Kindly Note: Some people are allergic to foods suggested in this article. Its essential to do allergy test before proceeding to try any of the natural remedies suggested in this article.

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