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Timing of Pandemics

     Astrology like all subjects is open to research and hypothesis. While other astrologers have pinpointed Ketu in its own nakshatra Moola as starting point for COVID-19. We have identified that planets namely Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu passing via nakshatra of Ketu also result in pandemics around the world. Jupiter seems to unleash those pandemics on the world. Below are some of the major pandemics in human history and planetary transit durign those times.

Ebola Outbreak

     Ebola virus outbreak happened around February 2014. That was the time when Ketu was passing through Ashvini which is his own nakshatra and Rahu was passing through Swati nakshatra which also happens to be his own nakshatra. Jupiter was passing through Ardra which is lorded by Rahu and aspecting Moola nakshatra lorded by Ketu. More than 11,000 people died due to Ebola mostly in Western Africa.

1968 Flu Pandemic

     Started around July 1968 Asia was the epicenter of flu pandemic. It killed nearly 1 million(10 lakh) people around the world. Hong Kong was one of the worst hit with 500,000 residents dying and nearly 15% of its population wiped out. Saturn was in Ashvini Nakshatra which belongs to ketu. Jupiter was located Magha which also belongs to Ketu and aspecting Saturn so the epidemic went global.

Asian Flu

     Was detected in early 1956 in China and spread around the world killing around 2 million(20 lakh) people. Jupiter was located in Magha at the time of earliest detection. Jupiter expanded it to the world. This pandemic lasted till 1958 and for some parts of 1957 Ketu travelled via Ashvini which is his own nakshatra.

Spanish Flu

     Rahu was in Moola which belongs to Ketu in January 1918 when the epidemic started and Ketu was in Ardra. This epidemic killed around 50 million(5 crore) people worldwide. Jupiter around June 1918 moved into Ardra and started aspecting Moola nakshatra and that is when it must have grown into a global pandemic.

Sixth Cholera Pandemic

     Cholera is quite common in India but sixth cholera pandemic killed nearly 800,000 people. At the time of starting of this outbreak Saturn+Rahu were together in Moola nakshatra which belongs to Ketu.

Caution in Ketu's Nakshatra

     While there maybe exceptions to the rule there is a possibility of predicting a pandemic based on the movement of big planets via nakshatra of Ketu. Whenever Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Jupiter travel via Ashvini, Magha or Moola is the time when a pandemic can happen. The more planets there are in Ketu's nakshatra the higher the chances of a global pandemic or pandemic with higher mortality rate.

Rely on Doctors only

     World is going through tough times due to COVID-19. We recommend to all our readers to only trust doctors and medical research professionals for treatment and cure of this virus. We also urge all our readers to maintain social distancing as it is the only available cure at present for COVID-19.

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