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     Many people around the world suffer from urinary disorders. Some 8.1 million(81 lakh) people visit hospitals every year for treatment of urinary tract infection commonly known as UTI. Not just UTI there are also diseases like urinal retention, urinal incontinence and stones in bladder which affect many people during lifetime. Many poor patients around the world have to use painful dialysis to remove waste from body when kidneys don't function properly.

     Fortunately astrology can help predict problems in kidneys and urinary tract. All one needs to analyze are Venus, Libra Sign and seventh house. If there is heavy affliction in either of them than one or other forms of urinary disorders is quite likely. Transit chart and planets passing via seventh house(counted from ascendant) or libra sign may also show likelihood of getting troubled by a urinary disorder.

Planets Responsible
  1. UTI: UTI generally happens due to E-coli bacteria. Generally there is a swelling in kidney, bladder or urethra and burning sensation when passing urine. If multiple planets among Sun, Mars, Rahu and Ketu influence Venus, seventh house and Libra Sign than chances of UTI increase multi-fold. Even if they influence in transit chart than UTI is quite likely.
  2. Urinal Retention: Saturn is the slow moving planet and is the planet assigned with obstructing progress. Saturn influencing seventh house, Venus and Libra Sign would generally lead to thinning of bladder and urethra so bladders never empties. Many people who feel unable to empty their bladder after passing urine are sure to have Saturn influencing seventh house or libra sign.
  3. Kidney Disorders: Normally kidney disorders and kidney failures require a dasha-antardasha period of planets in seventh house, planets influencing seventh house or seventh house lord. If there are transits of Saturn or Ketu influencing seventh house and its lord than chances of kidney disorders increase multi-folds.
  4. Stones: Stones are quite common in kidneys, urinal tract or bladder. Normally Saturn would be influencing either seventh house in either birth-time chart or transit chart for stones to form. If there are frequent urinary stones than its possible that Venus, Libra Sign or seventh house are badly afflicted by Saturn in birth-time chart.
  5. Urinal Incontinence: Many elderly and some youngsters are unable to control urine and often leak urine when sneezing, laughing or coughing. Mars controls muscles in human body and generally a weak Mars is involved with Venus, Libra Sign or seventh house for a person to suffer from urinal incontinence.
Foods To Avoid

     Excess Sugar and Salt: If you have a weak Venus, Libra Sign or seventh house than you must avoid sugar or atleast control its intake. Excess sugar causes diabetes which can lead to kidney failures. Excess salt can cause high sodium in body which in turn harms kidneys and urinal system.

     Caffinated/Aerated/Fizzy Drinks: Most people are addicted to coffee, tea, aerated and fizzy drinks. And all of them put huge strain on kidneys and cause excess urination. Over a long period of time this would cause harm to kidneys and bladder. Aerated and fizzy drinks contain atleast 8-14 teaspoons of sugar in every drink.

     Avoid Red Meat: Eating excess red meat may cause kidney failures. This holds especially true for those who don't work-out and working in white collar jobs. According to a research people who regularly eat red meat have fourty percent chance of developing kidney disorders.

     Regulate Fast Foods: Processed foods are full of starchs and very bad for kidneys and urinary tract. Its OK to consume once or twice a week in small quantities. But daily consumption is sure to create some or other problems in body. Not just pizzas, breads, burgers and fries but also aerated drinks, potatoes, rice meals, pasta and other unhealthy junk foods should be avoided. Atleast their intake should be regulated.

     Regulate Alcohol: Alcohol destroys kidneys, urinary tract and liver. Body is unable to flush out toxins and this in turn can lead to kidney and urinary disorders. Leaving alcohol may not be easy for alcoholics but between leaving this world and leaving alcohol the latter one seems more practical option.

     Too Many Pain Killers: A pain killer like aspirin or stopache or dolo maybe first thing one takes when experiencing head or body ache. But over a period of time it causes severe kidney damage. This applies to digestion tables as well. Its advisable to avoid any medications over a long period of time unless the doctor prescribes it to you.

Foods To Eat

     Foods rich in Vitamin C: Vitamin C makes urine more acidic which helps prevent bacteria growth. Foods like oranges, lemons, amla(gooseberry) and green leafy vegetables are rich in Vitamin C.

     Plenty of Water: Many people avoid drinking water due to high urine discharge or they try and consume caffeinated/aerated drinks instead. Drinking water especially in morning would flush out most toxins from our body via perspiration or urine route.

     Natural Fruit Juices: Orange, amla, spinach, neem(azadirachta indica), lemon and cranberry juice can help avoid most kidney and urinary tract disorders.

     Butter Milk: Butter milk along with black rock salt is a known treatment for getting rid of kidney and urinary stones.

     Papaya, Musk Melon(Shakkar Teti) and Water Melon: If consumed without sugar or salt all of them have the ability to clean kidneys as well as intestines which can help avoid major kidney, urinary and digestive disorders.


     Walking/Jogging: Best and most effective way to reduce kidney and urinary disorders is walking/jogging daily for 30-60 minutues. Even research agrees regular walking can increase life span in kidney patients and avoid need for kidney transplant.

     Kapal Bhati Pranayam: Super cure for kidney and urinal disorders. Even liver and digestive tract improves if you do this yoga pose for 15-20 minutues.

     Yoga Asanas: Bhujangasana, Setu Bandhasana, Paschimottanasana, Naukasana and Supta Baddhakonasana can help improve kidney and urine health. Please avoid doing these asanas in case of injuries and consultation with yoga expert is essential before doing these complex asanas.

     Cycling, Swimming and Dancing: All of them are known to improve kidney and bladder functions.


     Check your horoscope chart and see if Venus, seventh house(counted from ascendant) as well as Libra Sign are heavily afflicted. If they are than there is a good chance you may encounter some or other disorder related to urinary tract or kidneys. In such cases don't wait for doctor to tell you the foods to avoid/eat and exercises to do. Start doing them yourself. Start a proper diet and exercise regime.

     This may not avoid problem totally but may help lessen its effect. Also extra care is required during dasha-antardasha period of planets in seventh house or seventh house lord. Saturn, Mars, Ketu or Sun's transit over Venus, seventh house and Libra Sign should also be a time when one needs to be extra-cautious.


Urinary Tract Infection Ratio

Red Meat Kidney Failure Percentage

Foods rich in starch

10 common habits that can harm kidneys

Walking Helps Kidneys

Yogas for Renal Functions

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