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LBP Quite Common

     Lower Back Pain(LBP) is quite a common scenario in today's world. Most of the people who work for extended hours while sitting in one place are bound to suffer from pain in lower back. Some studies have shown that about 23% of the world's population suffers from chronic lower back pain. Astrology cannot cure lower back pain. But it can be used to decipher which person is more likely to encounter pain in lower back.

    Sometimes effects of lower back pain can be felt in buttocks as well as legs. This is called sciatica and is far more serious condition. It needs to be treated immediately otherwise damage can be severe.

Seventh House and Libra

     Seventh house and seventh sign Libra together rule kidneys, upper urinary tract and lower back. If both seventh house and Libra Sign are influenced by malefics than there are high chances of problems in kidney, urinary tract and lower back. If multiple planets among Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu influence seventh house and Libra than chances of frequent back pain are not ruled out.

Eight House and Scorpio

     Eight house and eight sign Scorpio rule the hidden and private organs like buttocks, anus and lower urinary tract. Normal observation is sciatica where pain goes from lower back to legs has eight house or Scorpio in bad condition. Ofcourse it could be seventh house or Libra placement of Mars or Saturn which take pain to legs. In short those with lower back pain should analyze seventh house, eight house, Libra Sign and Scorpio Sign for afflictions either in birth-time chart or transit chart.

Obesity Also Responsible

     When it comes to lower back pain you gotta rely on biology also besides astrology. Many of those who complain of lower back pain are obese and over-weight. According to a study those with weight issues have 80% chance of encountering lower back pain as compared to 55% in non-obese patients. One of the most important parameter is BMI(Body Mass Index). If your weight is 15-20 kg higher than what it should be according to BMI than there is a high chance of lower back pain. One of the most common cause of lower back pain is slip disc which is often caused due to obesity.

Osteoporosis and LBP

     Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone density and bone mass decrease over time. Some of the symptoms are lower back pain and hunched back. There are also frequent fractures in some cases. Women tend to suffer more compared to men especially after age of fifty.

Other Causes For LBP

     Lower back pain can also occur due to inflammation in muscles or injuries in spinal cord and disc, lack of Vitamin D, magnesium, calcium and Vitamin B12. In case pain does not reduce after taking anti-inflammatory pain relieving tables and multi-vitamins for few days than it would be wise to consult an orthopedic and get relevant tests done.

Medicines For LBP

     Aceclofenac/Diclofenac tablets help with inflammation and pain. Paracetamol is used to relieve pain. Chlorzoxazone tables are used to relieve muscle strain and pains. Serratiopeptidase tablets like Diclofenac tablets are used for pain and inflammation. For sciatica generally Ibuprofen and Pregabalin tablets are used. Vegetarians may also need to regularly intake methylcobalamin tablets and injections for Vitamin B12.

Caution: Please consult a certified doctor before trying this medications for long duration. All these medications contain harmful side effects. As such they should only be taken in moderation.

Therapies For LBP
  • Ultrasound: Ultrasound is often used by physiotherapists to treat lower back pain. It can treat non-specific chronic lower back pain.
  • IFT: Interferential Therapy popularly known as IFT is when slight current with varying frequency is passed which gently massages the lower back region.
  • Laser Therapy: Laser therapy is also used by physio's to treat and in some cases even cure chronic lower back pain.
  • Ozone Therapy: Primarily ozone therapy is used for slip disc and sciatica where pain is felt from lower back right upto legs.

Caution: All these therapies need to be done in guidance of doctor who specializes in pain relief or a physiotherapists.

Exercises For LBP
  • Setu Bandhasana: Setu Bandh literally means bridge. Asana is yoga pose. Setu Bandhasana or Bridge pose is one of the best ways to strengthen lower back.
  • Bhujangasana: Bhujang means a serpant. Literally you have to pose like king cobra to strengthen muscles in your lower back.
  • Supta Matsyendrasana: Supta means sleeping or relaxed while Matsya means a fish. Supta Matsyasana is used to relieve spinal pain and stretch the spinal cord.
  • Markatasana: Markat means a monkey. Much like previous asana this pose focuses on stretching your spinal cord and slip disc region for greater flexibility.
  • Trikonasana: . Trikon means a triagle. Triangle pose is an excellent way to stretch the lower back and slip disc region. If there is spinal injury or inflammation in slip disc than this yoga must be avoided.
  • Balasana: Bala means a child. Like a little child who has not learnt to stand this pose focuses on relaxing back via gentle exercise.

Caution: One must avoid exercise if there is injury or inflammation in back. LBP exercises should only be done after pain has receded or completely vanished.

Sunlight For LBP

     One of the primary reasons for backpain is lack of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is extremely important for absorption of calcium by bones. Best source for Vitamin D is sunlight. As such countries where sunlight is abundant should soak in Sun's rays especially in morning for their daily dose of Vitamin D.

Veg Foods For LBP
  • Calcium: Milk, milk products especially yoghurt, paneer, almonds, spinach, fruits and vegetables.
  • Vitamin B12: Milk, milk products especially yoghurt, fortified cereals and fermented foods like idli, dosa etc.
  • Magnesium: Sweet Potato, walnuts, almonds, cashews, legumes, whole grains and peanuts.
Non-Veg Foods For LBP
  • Calcium: Eggs, sardines, salmon, crab and fish.
  • Vitamin B12: Chicken, meat, fish and eggs. Liver and kidney of certain animals are especially high in Vitamin B12.
  • Magnesium: Salmon, halibut and eggs.

Note: In lots of countries egg is part of vegetarian diet. But in India its classified as non-veg as Hindus believe life originates out of egg.

Ergonomics At Workplace

     Correct posture while sitting in front of laptop/PC, ergonomic chair, ergonomic table and proper way to lift heavy items can go a long way in reducing lower back pain.

Chakra Activation

     According to vedic knowledge our body is divided into seven chakras. Lower back pain is covered by Svadisthana chakra and Mooladhara chakra. Activation of these two chakras can ease lower back pain. Additionally RAM and LAM mantra can also help with lower back pain.

Note: Mantra remedy and chakra activation take time to give desired effects. They are not meant to replace consultation of certified doctor and consuming modern medicines.


Percentage of Population With Chronic LBP

Lower Back Pain and Obesity

Sunlight can ease chronic back pain

Egg a wholesome food

Ultrasound's role in lower back pain reduction

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