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Mercury Important in Skin Disease

Mercury represents skin in vedic astrology. When a native suffers from any skin problems the first thing he/she should check in horoscope is afflictions to Mercury. There maybe a lot more to equation including ascendant, ascendant lord, horoscope house, astrological signs and even house lords. But starting with Mercury to decipher any skin problems maybe a good idea.

Below are skin problems and possible combinations which may lead to skin problems.

Open Pores

Many people in hot and humid regions suffer from open pores. They have skin which produces too much oil and too little collagen. So the skin cannot contract and expand which results in open pores. One of the biggest reasons for open pores in females nowadays is harmful chemicals in makeup and beauty products. Astrologically speaking there is generally affliction to first house and Mercury in case of open pores. Chances are either first house or Mercury is afflicted by malefics. Affliction can be via co-tenants, aspects or via Paap Kartari Yoga.

Oily/Dry Skin

Sometimes the sebaceous glands produce too little or too much oil. Normal observation is there are benefic planets like Jupiter influencing ascendant or birth-time Mercury in case of oily skin. In case of dry skin generally there are malefics like Saturn influencing ascendant or birth-time Mercury.


Acne/Pimples are quite normal in teenagers and part of growing process. It should be considered normal body transformation. But those who have acne/pimples even after 22-25 years of age should consult a doctor specifically a dermatologist. Normal observation is Mars or Ketu or fire sign(Aries, Leo or Sagittarius) infuencing ascendant or birth-time Mercury will cause excess pimples and acne.


There are people who develop hemorrhoids(piles) in private regions especially around buttocks and anus region. They see regular blood while passing stool, unbearable pain while sitting and worst people make fun of them for their conditions. Normally eight house and eight sign(Scorpio) having bad placement in birth-time or transit chart makes them suffer from such condition.

Prickly Heat

Prickly heat is quite common in hot and humid weather. It generally occurs in summer weather and can be quite a nuisance especially in jobs with fixed dress code. Normally prickly heat goes away in few days or weeks time. But in case it persists for more than a week it maybe a good idea to consult a doctor.

Burn Marks

Burn marks may appear on skin after touching something hot, being over exposed to Sun, chemical reaction to a beauty product, acid attacks, due to fire or various other factors. Sometimes skin burn is severe and permanent. But other times it is curable over a period of time. Normally there is Mercury or ascendant in one of the fiery signs(Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) or influenced by one or more of the fiery planets(Sun, Mars and ketu) causes burn marks to appear. If there is heavy affliction than effects can be permanent also and may require surgical procedure.


Mercury being afflicted by Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Mars or Ketu in an enemy sign may lead to advanced skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Normally malefic influence in transit chart as well as dasha period also play their role in skin contacting such problems.

Vitiligo: No Data

Vitiligo is a rare skin disorder where skin gradually starts to lose its color pigments and gives uneven skin tone. Unfortunately we do not have any horoscope data to judge astrological combinations which may cause vitiligo. Sometimes its a genetic trait and passed down in progeny.

Some Home Remedies

For Open Pores/Oily Skin: Washing face atleast four to five times in a day to remove excess oil and dirt. Using fullers earth(Multani Mitti) and rose water mix or applying chickpea flour(besan), turmeric and milk paste to face. Regular Bhastrika pranyam. Avoiding makeup, creams and foundation items which contain harmful chemicals. Alum stone known as fitakri is an excellent product for those open pores and oily skin.

For Dry Skin: Drinking plenty of water, using aloe vera regularly on skin, applying essential oils and milk moisturisers.

For Acne/Pimples/Prickly Heat: Using neem(Azadirachta Indica) and associated products, applying turmeric paste and consuming turmeric in foods, aloe vera, lemon juice and other citrus fruits.

Yoga and Pranayam

Surya Namaskar: Surya Namaskar done in front of rising Sun has been known to improve skin health.

Pranayam: Doing Bhastrika, Kapalbhati, Udgeet and Anulom Vilom pranayam can also do wonders for skin health.

Consult Dermatologist

Most common reason why skin problems flare up is not consulting a doctor on time. If a skin problem persists for more than a week its best to consult a dermatologists for treatment. Self healing doesn't always work and can leave behind permanent scars.

Laster Therapies and Surgical Procedures

Open pores, severe burn marks and even piles in some instance require surgical procedures and laser therapy. Its best to consult a dermalogists in such cases.

Mantra Remedy

Shri Krishna in Chapter 7 Verse 22 says: I give desired fruits through various Gods. If someone desires to enhance beauty than Saundarya Mantra is apt for them. Mantra along with various skin care remedies, modern medicines and procedure maybe able to cure skin problems which are permanent in nature.

Be Patient

Sometimes effects of mantra, medical treatments and skin care routine is not visible straight away. But over a period of time they start to show the desired results. As such patience and faith in remedies essential.

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