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Obesity Statistics

     Obesity has tripled since 1975. According to WHO(World Health Organisation) around 1.9 billion adults(190 crore) around the world were over-weight in 2016. Out of them around 600 million(60 crore) were obese or in simple words super fat. Over 340 million(34 crore) children aged 5 to 18 were obese. And the number keeps growing.

     Obesity can lead to heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, certain types of cancer, liver diseases, kidney diseases and several other serious illness. Its very important to keep obesity in check or health complications are all but certain.

Astrological Reasons For Obesity

     Obesity is directly related to Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet of expansion. When Jupiter is influencing the ascendant there are high chances of person being obese from birth-time. Obesity comes gradually if Jupiter is influencing the sixth house which deals with diseases.

     So why Jupiter? Jupiter is the planet of well-being and abundance. Jupiter influencing the ascendant means a person has wealth, happiness and knowledge from birth-time. Naturally they don't feel the need to work hard or break a sweat. This in turn means their body does not get the necessary exercise it needs to stay thin.

Which Diets To Avoid

     Pizza, processed meats, cheese, milk cream, burgers, french fries, oily foods, potato chips, carbonated drinks, fruit drinks, breads made from wheat flour(maida), cakes especially icing cakes, chocolates and items with excessive sugar content. These are just a few of the items mentioned. The sooner you cut or limit these items the better for you.

     You can eat it once a week or once a month depending on how obese you are. But some people consume it daily which leads to obesity.

Which Diets To Intake

     Green leafy vegetables, onion, garlic, bottle-gourd(lauki), boiled eggs, melted butter(ghee), roti or bread made from millets, sorghum or bran, water-melons, papaya, fish(max twice a week) and fruits.

     One must try and eat beans like yellow split beans(toor daal), chick peas(chana brown and yellow), black gram lentils(urad), green grams(mung), kidney beans(rajma) and several other types of beans. They are high in protein and low on fat. They are excellent source of vitamins, minerals and proteins with minimum fat.

Try Autophagy

     Autophagy is called upvas in hindi. Its the simplest way to reduce body fat. Japanese cell biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize for proving that cells in body can recycle and renew their content by process of self-eating. Simply put you don't consume anything but warm water for whole day. After 24 to 36 hours your body starts to eat excess body fat. Not only that it also starts to remove toxins from body, prevents ageing early, helps heart and mind as well as prevent cancer. One must not do it for more than 72 hours(3 days). Also if you are involved in hard labor than its recommended not to try this option.

Snacks To Eat and Avoid

     One of the major contributors to obesity are mid-meal snacks. Obese people love to munch on something between meals. Things like chips, cup of tea/coffee with extra sugar, caffeinated drinks and other unhealthy snacks eaten between meals are also responsible for obesity. Its necessary to avoid these things or atleast limit their intake.

     Eating things like roasted chick peas, fresh fruits and butter milk are much better options as they help stimulate the digestive tract and contain minimum fats.

Avoid Gym

     First thing that comes to mind of an obese person is to join a gym and shed the extra weight. Astrology is clear that Jupiter is responsible for obesity. And Jupiter is also responsible for laziness. Reason why people get obese in the first place is because they don't exercise regularly. So joining a gym is the worst idea for them. They maybe able to go for a week or month but later laziness kicks in. Problem with weight training and other heavy exercises is it often increase muscles which turns to fat if not done regularly.

Try Other Exercises

     Obese people should try jogging, aerobics, swimming, jumping rope, climbing, cycling or simple walking. These things do not require regular workout. So you can skip for a few days or weeks if you feel lazy and later restart it when you feel like it.

Try Yoga and Pranayam

     Yoga asanas like Tadasana, Trikonasana, Naukasana, Paschimottanasana and and few others are quite beneficial for losing weight. Some may have body problems which can be aggravated by these asanas. So you must consult a yoga teacher and see do's and dont's for these yoga poses.

     Perhaps the easiest and most effective exercises for obesity are bhastrika pranayam(10 mins), kapalbhati pranayam(15 mins), anulom vilom(5 mins) and regular walking in morning(30 mins) and at night(30mins). Pranayam should only be done on empty stomach. Walking can be done after eating also. An hour of daily walking and regular pranayam would burn enough calories to prevent you from getting obese.

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