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     Suicide is one of the scariest words in english dictionary. Its the last resort by people who have lost all their will to live and fight it out for another day. In the article Mental Worries and Planets we touched this subject a bit but these subject requires special attention. Astrology can be used to predict suicidal tendencies in a person.

     Normally two planets drive a person towards suicide. They are Saturn and Rahu. Saturn is debt, despair, poverty, negativity and hardships. A person who sees nothing but these things in life cannot see any meaning to living on. Rahu is smokey, mysterious and fogey. When future seems smokey and foggy and when hope seems an illusion than also people decide to shorten their life. Moon also plays a very important role in suicide as Moon is the significator of mind. A weak mind often tries suicide as it cannot gather strength to live on. Normally Moon's association with Saturn or Rahu is one of the reasons for suicide. Mind signified by Moon becomes negative and full of despair due to Saturn or the mind cannot find a way out of current troubles due to smokey and foggy Rahu. 

     The dushamsthana or hell houses as they are called could also drive a person towards despair especially the eight house. Sixth house invites debt, twelfth house invites huge personal and financial losses and eight house invites divorce and death. These three houses and placement of planets especially weak Moon along with Saturn or Rahu is one of the prime reasons for native trying suicide. Sun along with Moon in eight house, twelfth house or sixth house could also make the mind weak. Sun is the significator of will-power. When the mind and will-power both are weak than native often tries suicide in life. Sun in weak condition along with Rahu could also invite suicide. Sun along with Saturn normally isn't bad. It may give hardships in life but it also gives the will-power to fight those hardships. 

     One thing for those contemplating about suicide is to give it a rest. Some days mind becomes weak and full of despair. But after a few days or months it might see light of the day. Some solution to the current problems might just pop-up which means one doesn't need to think about taking such an extreme step. Suicide is also done due to over-critical and over-bearing people around. Some people find fault in everything and those with weak minds cannot take so much negativity and criticism. In such cases its better to leave company of those people and try a new beginning somewhere, someplace. Its a far, far better option compared to suicide. One of the major reasons for Rahu inspired suicide is reckless investment and debts due to them. Never, ever try gambling or reckless investment when Rahu influences your Moon, twelfth house or first house.

     Another important thing is to visit a psychiatrist or a guidance counselor. They are trained to handle such delicate state of mind. One must take medication prescribed by the psychiatrist or counselor. 

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