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     Rahu in Tenth House is in house of his enemy Sun. Tenth House is the house of career, fame and prestige. It defines how a person would be known to the world. Rahu having strength in Tenth House is a gift of Gods. It is a Raj Yog karaka(significator). Strong Rahu in Tenth House promises abundant wealth and fame. 

     Rahu in Tenth House is quite a paradox. Tenth House rules over career and fame both of which cannot be elevated without showing proper leadership skills or doing necessary hard work. Rahu hates hard work and is all talk and no substance. So one would think Rahu in Tenth House would make native a miserable failure in life. But many political leaders have Rahu in Tenth House. That includes likes of Mahatma Gandhi and Donald Trump. There are many other politicians and actors with Rahu in Tenth House who are famous celebrities. Rahu is definitely a Raj Yog Karaka in Tenth House. 

     Rahu takes in the qualities of the horoscope sign as well as qualities of his co-tenants. For example Mr. Trump has Sun+Rahu in Tenth House which gives him leadership qualities and excessive bragging powers which are both hallmarks of Sun. Rahu just amplified them. Mahatma Gandhi had Moon+Rahu in Tenth House which made him a compassionate human being but a utopian believer of non-violence. Rahu magnified qualities like compassion and kindness of Moon in Gandhi. Rahu always magnifies the good or bad effects of his co-tenants. But even if it is alone he takes in the qualities of the horoscope sign. If the native understands the qualities of the co-planets and the horoscope sign better than wealth and fame are all but guaranteed in his/her life.

     Rahu's aspect are far more devastating compared to his placement. Rahu aspects the Second House, Fourth House and Sixth House from his placement in Tenth House. If Second House has a friendly sign than Rahu's aspect could increase savings multifolds. But if there is an enemy sign than Rahu could lead to loss of savings via health troubles. Rahu's aspect on Fourth House is the most troublesome cause Ketu would reside there. Home of the native is untidy. Either that or there can be frictions with family members. Its tough for native to balance work and home life. Rahu's aspect on Sixth House presents health problems and debts via hospital stays. 

     Rahu in Tenth House is a Raj Yog Karaka. But native doesn't become wealthy without struggles. Its normally observed that Rahu gives fruits after fourty two years of life have passed. If Rahu is in Tenth House than native is advised not to buy any property in his/her name. Rahu magnifies the effects of his co-tenants. So those with Sun, Saturn or Mars with Rahu in Tenth House need to take care of anger and ego at workplace. Rahu in Tenth House would provide wealth and fame in abundance. But native needs to learn the strengths and limitations of co-tenants and horoscope sign. 

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