Astro Isha

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     Eleventh House is the house of profit and gains. It is also the house of regular income. Rahu is great in Eleventh House provided the astrological sign is supportive. In an enemy sign Rahu can cause stoppage of regular income. 

     Jupiter is the natural lord of Eleventh House. Jupiter and Rahu don't get along well but still Rahu feels comfortable in Eleventh House. Rahu hates normal boring routine and loves to take shortcuts in life. Rahu is jut not interested in working in a nine to seven job and getting a paycheck every month. Rahu would always push the individual to try easy money via betting or investing in the right stocks at the right time. Rahu has wonderful knowledge of the occult and is a brilliant illusionist. A person can earn millions via astrology, tarot, exorcism and other occult subjects. Career as an actor, magician or even a politician would give good income. Rahu has good knowledge of poisons and chemical compounds. So a person can be an excellent pharmacist or even do research in medicine. 

     Eleventh House also rules over friends and social circles. Under Rahu's influence both friends and social circles cannot be trusted to give good advise. Many of them are frenemies who stab the native when the time comes. Getting help from social circles would depend on strength of Rahu. Unless Rahu has strength there is little or no help possible from social circle. Aspects of Rahu are always troublesome as it is a natural malefic. Rahu aspects the Third House, Fifth House and Seventh House from its placement in Eleventh House.

      Rahu's aspect on Third House would cause bad blood with siblings and neighbors. There are high chances of travelling regularly in search of regular income. On the bright side Rahu could be brilliant for communication and PR strategy managed by Third House. Native could be a prized asset for any company which deals with advertisement and PR. Rahu's aspect on Fifth House suggest differences with children. Fifth House is also the house of romance. With Rahu in Eleventh House, Ketu would be in Fifth House. So expect a few break-ups in romance sector. Fifth House is also the house of gambling and stock markets. Rahu would allow native to earn good profits via careful investment in stock markets. Occasional gambling can also yield extra money for native. Regular gambling would prove disastrous no matter how supportive Rahu is. 

     Rahu's aspect on Seventh House means troubles with life partner. Rahu's influence means marriage partner has temper issues which cause frictions in marriage life from time to time. There can also be frictions and legal fights with business partners. But on the bright side stand alone business of pharmacy, chemicals, staffing solutions in acting and modelling sector as well as media and PR firm gives great profits. Rahu's aspect means chances of facing legal issues especially related to signed contracts. 

     Rahu in Eleventh House isn't bad. One must take care not to share anything confidential with friends and social circle. Some care is advised when dealing with children, siblings and neighbors. Marriage and romance are great but there can be frictions from time to time due to emotional nature of spouse. On the bright side there can be great profits from planned investment in stock markets. If Rahu is supportive native can be an asset in a PR or advertising firm. There are wonderful profits in standalone business. Native can earn great profits via unusual means. All in all there are both pros and cons of Rahu in Eleventh House.    

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