Astro Isha

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     Ketu in seventh house is not an ideal place for it. Seventh house is the house of marriage, business, business partnerships and legal contracts. Ketu is anti-social and hates the portfolios associated with seventh house. Seventh house is all about having someone special by your side and sharing the ups and downs of life while Ketu prefers to be a loner and cannot trust others.

     Its possible that those with Ketu in seventh house get a marriage partner who is indifferent and unable to socialize with others. With Ketu in seventh house there will be Rahu in first house(ascendant). So that means native is talkative, moody and loves to show-off. Marriage partner on the other hand is quiet, introvert and hates show-off. It takes a lot of effort for native and marriage partner to get used to each other. Unless other planets help native and marriage partner are polar opposite in terms of personality. That is why marriages fail. Cause native and marriage partner just cannot get used to each others lifestyle. If a person has Ketu in seventh house than it would be wise to have a little empathy and compassion. To understand and respect partner's choices and lifestyle. To give them the necessary space required. And don't force them to socialize if they prefer being alone.

     Ketu in seventh house is bad for business partnership. Native must try standalone business or stay away from business. If there are planets like Mars or Mercury along with Ketu than a person can make an excellent lawyer. There are also chances of trying business related to medicines, chemicals and toxins. There are chances of legal troubles in life of native. It holds especially true if there are bad influences on the eight house.

     With Ketu in seventh house its necessary to stay safe in business and avoid legal troubles. In marriage its necessary to give personal space to the partner and respect his/her privacy. Don't try to force them to do anything which they do not like. Marriage may have issues but nothing that cannot be solved with a little compassion, empathy and care.

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