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     Ketu in eight house is a recipe for disaster. Eight house deals with death, despair and divorce. And Ketu specialises in alienation and anti-social behavior. With Ketu in eight house chances of divorce rise exponentially especially if seventh house and twelfth house also have problems.

     According to Bhrigu Samhita, Saturn is the natural lord of eight house. Ketu is somewhat similar to Saturn. Both Saturn and Ketu cause alienation, both limit options in life and both are pessimistic. But there are differences also. Saturn loves social confirmity while Ketu doesn't care what society thinks. Truth of life is many marriages stay afloat due to fear of what society might think. There is a compulsion to stay together despite differences in marriage.

     Ketu in eight house means a person is not interested in what society thinks or says. They would divorce their marriage partner if they feel that relationship has no future. They remain bitter after divorce towards marriage partner. If there is presence or aspect of Jupiter than effects maybe negated. But if Ketu is influenced by Saturn, Mars, Sun or Venus in eight house than chances of divorce rise drastically. Relationship with in-laws is bad. Sometimes native cannot tolerate in-laws and feels the need to divorce marriage partner due to them.

    Ofcourse there are positive side also. Eight house is the house of hidden knowledge. Ketu is the planet of spirituality. Ketu might induce great pain and despair but in the end he leads to self realization. Ketu can also lead to advancement in tantra, mystic arts and other occult subjects.

     Eight house also deals with inheritance. Depending on aspect of Rahu there can be huge inhertiance or loss of inheritance. This would happen suddenly so native won't have time to react. Court cases are definitely possible but win or losses may depend on Rahu's aspect. There can be problems in lower part of excretary and urinary system.

     Eight house is probably the worst placement for Ketu. Natives are advised to learn the art of adjustment and compromise in marriage. Keep a safe distance from in-laws and try to be professional around them. Don't get frustrated or excited by sudden drop or rise in fortunes. And finally it also advisable to stay away from quick rich schemes and illegal activities to avoid bankruptcy and court cases. If possible do pray to Lord Ganesha or Lord Krishna as they can help deal with problematic Ketu.

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