Astro Isha

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     Taurus is ruled by Venus. Sun and Venus are enemies. But surprisingly Sun isn't as bad in Taurus as it is in Libra. Taurus is the sign of grace, charm and good mannerisms. Sun maybe egoistic but he is still royalty. And grace, charm and good mannerisms are always associated with royalty. A lot of celebrities and models have Sun in Taurus.

     Taurus is the sign best associated with fashion, perfumes, music and arts. And Sun is the natural significator of career and health in horoscope. So a career related to fashion, acting or music industry is possible provided other planets favor in horoscope. Those with Sun in Taurus are fond of socialising. They often hold parties and get togethers. Another likely scenario is they spend money in extravagant and irresponsible way. They are caring and generous in giving donations. Generally materialistic happiness reigns supreme on their minds. Normally it has been observed that Sun in Taurus gives good amount of romance and sexual pleasures in life.

     Sun in Taurus can give cough and cold issues. Since Taurus rules over mouth, throat and neck region there is a possibility of getting infection in this region especially when there are bad transits. Natives with Sun in Taurus are likely to judge people by their looks and dressing sense. Sun is also the significator of soul. Taurus has less or no inclination towards spiritual progress and is only interested in materialistic pleasures. Unless other planets help those with Sun in Taurus are unlikely to achieve spiritual progress. There are chances of aquaphobia(fear of water).

     Sun in Taurus gives good mannerisms as well as a good dressing sense. It can also give a wonderful career in fashion, music or entertainment industry. Some care is advised not to overspend money on parties and fashion. Investing money in the right places especially gold and good financial schemes is advised. Natives are prone to seasonal cold and flu so some care is advised during flu season.

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