Astro Isha

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     Sun is the planet associated with confidence and health. Sun is also the significator of soul in vedic astrology. Libra is ruled by Venus who is enemy of Sun. Sun is debilitated in Libra. One good factor is Venus travels very close to Sun in transit chart and chances of seeing NBRY grows multi-fold due to Sun in Libra.

     Sun is also associated with career. Sun in Libra gives a good career in MNC. Sun in Libra is more likely to make a native opt for a job and service role. Sun in Libra can also give a good career as a politician or a lawyer. The usual confidence, flamboyance and leadership skills associated with Sun are missing when Sun is in Libra. But natives have a calm demeanor and balanced persona to get the task done with utmost devotion. Sun in Libra can give an excellent career in acting. Shahrukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai and Leanardo Dicaprio are all born with Sun in Libra. Many famous politicians like Iron Man of India Sardar Patel, Lal Krishna Advani Ji and Ms. Hillary Clinton have Sun in Libra doing NBRY

     Sun is also significator of health. Libra rules kidneys, urinal tract and lower back. Chances of problems in lower back are less but not entirely ruled out especially if malefics influence Sun in Libra. Sun can cause dehydration and problems in water rentention which can severely damage kidney and urinal tract. Natives are advised to drink plenty of water and fluids.

     Inspite of debilitation Sun in Libra is not bad as it is made out to be. Native can reach wonderful career heights but may not be able to achieve top post in their line of work. The usual confidence and leadership skills associated with Sun are missing but there is a sense of calmness and balance which gives them success eventually. Natives must drink plenty of water and fluids especially those who suffer from heat strokes or dehydration. Natives should avoid too much caffeine and processed foods which cause problems with water retention. There is slight chance for back problems and natives should take measures to avoid such problems.

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