Astro Isha

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     Scorpio is ruled by Mars. Mars maybe a friend of Sun but Sun is uncomfortable in Scorpio. Sun is a planet with excess of fire element. While Scorpio is a watery sign. Fire and water don't get along well. Scorpio is a secretive sign and natural lord of eight house. It rules over transformation, death, inheritance and secrets. Sun isn't known for keeping secrets cause he is a showoff. Sun just can't show his dazzle and confidence in the secretive Scorpio. 

     Sun represents career while Scorpio Sign rules over toxins, medicines as well as chemicals. With Sun in Scorpio working on management side of a pharmaceutical company or chemical factory maybe ideal. Perhaps owning a factory which produces toxins, medicines and poisons is also favorable. If other planets are favorable then there are chances of career as a physician or pharmacist. Scorpio sign is secretive sign. With Sun in Scorpio there is a chance to be involved in detective work, espionage and even dubious organisations with destructive agendas. 

     Sun also represents health of an individual. Sun in Scorpio is never good for health. There can be frequent cough, cold and fevers. There is also frequent chance of food poisoning. In some cases there is a chance of body poisoning and death also. Perhaps via consuming a poisonous substance or being bitten by a poisonous animal. Metabolism rate can be weak for those with Sun in Scopio which leads to frequent digestive problems. 

     Sun also represents soul. Scorpio is a wicked sign full of envy and hatred. Unless other planets in horoscope are favorable the soul cannot achieve higher conscious. Ofcourse Scorpio is also the sign of transformation, death and rebirth. Its possible that several traumatic experiences can lead to spiritual awakening in those with Sun in Scorpio.

     Sun is less comfortable in Scorpio. Ofcourse it can give a good career related to pharma, chemicals or toxins. It can also make a very good secret agent or detective. If there are digestive problems than its recommended that natives eat a heavy lunch and have a light dinner after sunset. For cough and cold its important that natives eat sweet, frozen, junk and oily foods in moderate proporotions. Better avoid it if possible. There are chances of traumatic and painful life experiences which can lead to spiritual advancement. But for that to happen natives must give up anger, resentment and hatred which Scorpio carries in abundance.

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