Astro Isha

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     Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is a friend of Sun. Sun is comfortable in Sagittarius as both have excess of fire element. Sagittarius is the ninth sign and thus represents religion, spirituality, higher learning as well as fortune. Sun will increase spirituality and provide good health when placed in Sagittarius. Ofcourse influence by malefics or placement in a troublesome house can negate this good scenario.

    Sun represents career. Career related to health and spirituality is ideal. Provided other planets are favorable one can become a good physician. Sun can also make one a spiritual guru, mentor or life coach. There is also a chance to work in universities or other places of higher learning. Sagittarius being the ninth sign also deals with travels. One can become a travel agent or tourism guide. There is a chance to work as a creative content writer, marketing professional as well as media personality due to aspect on third house. If other planets are favorable one can be a social media star due to Sun's aspect on third house which deals with social media.

    Sagittarius as ninth sign rules over religion. Sun in Sagittarius gives natural inclination to learn more about ones religion. Sun also represents ego. And Sun in Sagittarius can push native towards a sense of religious superiority. Native feels his religion and his spiritual views as better than others which can lead to bigotry. Native must not look down on others who don't share his religious views or spiritual knowledge.

    Sun is a fiery planet while Sagittarius is a fiery sign. Naturally there will be health issues related to excessive heat. That can come out in form of boils and pimples in various parts of body. If Mars and Ketu are co-tenants then all hell breaks loose. In Leo Ascendant this placement is particularly troublesome as Sun is placed in fifth house and can cause GERD(Gastroesophageal reflux disease) as well as acute acid reflux and other digestive disorders. If native has Sagittarius Ascendant then one can easily catch a heat stroke.

    Sun in Sagittarius is great. It provides a good career, good health as well as spirituality. Those who suffer from heat related issues are advised to eat cool fruits and vegetables like water-melon, papaya and cucumber. Drink coconut water especially in summers. Try sheetali and sheetkari pranayam to bring down body temperature. Natives must understand that everyone has the right to their religion and beliefs. One must not look down on others for their religious belief.

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