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     Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Sun and Saturn are the father-son duo in vedic astrology who never get along. Over and above Sun is a fiery planet while Capricorn is an earthy sign. Most people would assume Sun is ill-suited for Capricorn. But surprisingly Sun does good in Capricorn. Many cultures including vedic hindu, persian, norse and even romans celebrate or celebrated arrival of Sun in Capricorn. While vedic hindus celebrate arrival of Sun in Capricorn around 14th January according to sidereal zodiac and call it Uttarayan, Bihu, Lohri and Pongal their western counterparts celebrated around 21st December according to tropical zodiac and call it Yule, Saturnalia Solstice or Yalda.

     In vedic astrology Sun represents soul, career and health. Capricorn is career-oriented, disciplined, somewhat rigid and organised. Sun feels bored in Capricorn. Sun is cheerful, confident and loves taking center stage. He is center of our planetary system for a reason. Sun's confidence and positivity are negatively affected by his placement in Capricorn but native can still climb to great heights with some discipline and organisation which Capricorn loves. Capricorn Sun are usually rewarded for doing repetitive stuff.

Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres are both born with Capricorn Sun. Both are successful television hosts who had/have a long career spanning nearly two decades. Their career involved repetitive work which they performed with discipline and dedication. Christiano Ronaldo is also born with a Capricorn Sun. Ronaldo sticks to his workouts and diet plans. And that has given him excellent results on football field and nearly two decades run as a professional footballer. Similarly Muhammad Ali also has a Capricorn Sun. He had an insane workout schedule and diet plan which he followed religiously. This made him a legend in boxing with over two decades of career. Bottomline for those with Sun in Capricorn is to stay disciplined, organised and keep doing repetitive tasks. Do it consistently and regularly. That is their ticket to success, fame and riches.

     That's easier said than done. Not everyone of common folks can pull that level of commitment to life's goals. Sun in Capricorn is ideal for jobs in government, law and order, MNC, administration and other repetitive roles. Irrelevant of career choice Sun in Capricorn requires discipline, dedication, organisation and consistency.

     Sun also represents father or father figure. With Sun in Capricorn there is a chance that father is very strict and compels the native to be disciplined in life. Alternatively he could also be working in a government role. Capricorn is a limiting sign. Sun represents confidence. Naturally native may have low self-esteem or confidence especially during the earlier years of life. Sun also represents health. With Sun in Capricorn digestive problems, acne and rashes are possible. Indigestion can stay as well.

     Sun in Capricorn requires discipline, consistency and dedication to see success and career progress. Normally career progress is slow but sure. Confidence remains low to get things done. But those who can keep struggling with low confidence ultimately achieve success.

     Note: Celebrities mentioned above have Sun in Capricorn Sign based on vedic astrology.

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