Astro Isha

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     Saturn in twelfth house is in its natural home. Unfortunately though it does not bode well for the native. In twelfth house it creates shortage of monetary funds. Native is very likely to suffer from acute shortage of money alteast once in his lifetime. Twelfth house besides monetary and physical loss also looks after sensual pleasures and sleep. Saturn creates problem in getting adequate sleep and also sexual life is not good. Combined with lack of money and restlessness this could ensure problems in marriage.

     Twelfth house is a bad place for any planet and the lord of despair known as Saturn in it is definitely troublesome. Having said that Saturn does wonderful when native has Gemini Ascendant, Cancer Ascendant, Leo Ascendant, Virgo Ascendant and Aquarius Ascendant. In these ascendants Saturn does Vipreeta Raj Yoga which gives wealth and success. In simpler terms the first half of life for these natives is problematic but afterwards karmic balancing leads to a better life in the second half. Saturn in twelfth house creates mental tensions and anxities. Native is unable to concentrate on work and business. He is quite lonely and prefers solitude. Native has an interest in politics and higher studies. If he is given encouragement he could carve out a nice career in politics or as a research scholor. Bear in mind there could be bad reputation if the chosen career is politics and native must be prepared to handle them when the time comes. Native could also work in monestary, as a trustee or in rehabilitation centre. Saturn could also take the native to foreign lands to earn his bread and butter.

     Saturn from twelfth house casts an aspect on second house, sixth house and ninth house. The aspect on second house creates problems with savings and family. There is an acute shortage of money atleast once in the lifetime. The aspect on sixth house creates health problems and enemies also harass the native. There is defeat at the hands of enemies. Native could suffer from cough and cold and be addicted to drugs, alcohol or medicinal drugs. The aspect on ninth house could do wonders if it is a favorable sign. The native could be religious and stern believer in God. Also native could get chance of higher studies in foreign lands. But if ninth house contains an enemy sign then native could be non-religious and sent to foreign lands to suffer.

     Saturn in twelfth house is not a good placement. But if the native takes concrete measures to save funds and not spend unnecessarily, be careful when dealing with family and works and studies hard then it may lessen the effects. Also prayers to Lord Vishnu and regular chanting of Vishnu Sahasranaam could do wonders. Giving charity according to ones financial capacity would also help lessen the effects. There are other planets in horoscope houses beside the twelfth house which could negate the effect of Saturn in twelfth house. So concentrate on strengthening the portfolio's of those planets and houses.

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