Astro Isha

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     Sun in the fourth house is situated in the house of his friend Moon. Sun is a malefic planet and a malefic planet is not ideal in one of the quadrants especially fourth house which deals with happiness. Sun gives great boost to career via aspect on tenth house but matters of fourth house suffer somewhat especially if planets like Saturn, Mars and Rahu are co-tenants or aspecting Sun in fourth house. 

     According to B. V. Raman: "Sun in fourth house makes a native unhappy and mentally worried. There is some inheritance and also native takes up active interest in occult science and philosophical studies". Sun in fourth house can give a career in real estate. But buying and selling house in one's own name is less desirable. Natives with Sun in the fourth house can achieve success in the later part of their life through their own efforts. Mother often is like a father figure to the native and is primarily responsible for taking care of natives needs. Native can have an excellent career in politics, diplomacy, farming and government job due to aspect on tenth house. Fourth house represents the heart. And as along as Sun is in strong condition the heart of the native remains healthy even in old age. If Sun is associated with malefics like Mars, Saturn or Rahu than there are possibilities of heart surgeries.

     Natives who have Sun associated with Saturn or Rahu should try to pray to Lord Vishnu and regularly chant the Gayatri Mantra. Also chanting of Vishnu Sahasranaam would help negate the ill-effects of bad Sun in the fourth house. 

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