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Past Life and Karma

     If you don't believe in karma or rebirth's than its in your best interest to ignore this article. But vedic astrology believes in both karma and rebirth. Vedic astrology can be used to make the most of present and plan for the future but it can also be used to know about past life karma. For example Vish Yog, Shraapit Yog or Pitru Dosh is a good indicator you have wronged someone in past life and this birth is meant to be a correction.

     Placement of Venus in a dushamsthana is a pretty good indicator that in one of the past lives you have wronged someone in a marriage or relationship and this birth is meant to be a correction. Sixth house, eight house and twelfth house are considered as dushamsthanas and placement of Venus in them generally brings troubles in marriage and relationship. Lets look at placement of Venus in each of the dushamsthana.

Venus in sixth house

     Sixth house is the house of struggles, disease, debts and enemies. In sixth house Venus ensures you encounter stuggles while finding love interest or you struggle getting your love requited. The girl/boy you fall in love with just doesn't share the feeling of love and respect towards you. If marriage happens than there are a lot of struggles and fights. Sometimes there are multiple marriages and animosity with partners.

     Venus in sixth house does karma balancing via struggles in relationship. Person struggles to be loved back by person he/she loves. In marriage it creates animosity with spouse. In some cases multiple marriages or affairs bring debts and diseases as part of karma balancing.

Venus in eight house

     Eight house is the house of death, despair and divorce. Venus in eight house gives a high probability of marriage ending in divorce and multiple marriages. While this may not always be the case many cases of multiple-marriages and affairs have Venus in eight house. There are high chances of this scenario if there is influence of Mars or sign of Mars(Scorpio or Aries) involved in eight house along with Venus.

     Venus in eight house does karma balancing via death of relationship. Person sees divorce and death of relation. In rare cases there can even be death of partner. Bottomline is native learns the value of relation via despair and eventual death of that relation.

Venus in twelfth house

     Twelfth house is the house of losses. Venus in twelfth house can mean late marriage or early divorce. Ofcourse twelfth house is also the house of physical intimacy and sexual pleasures. So sometimes it can give a great sex life and physical intimacy in marriage. But if Venus is in fiery signs like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius or with fiery planets chances of late marriage are high. Native struggles to find the right partner at the right age.

     Venus in twelfth house does karma balancing via loss of relationship. Person sees late marriage or in rare cases no marriage. If there is early marriage than there can be divorce.

Accept it and move forward

     Not everyones with Venus in dushamsthana will struggle in relationship. But those who are struggling to find the right person, struggling to make their marriage work or struggling to get over failed relationship and if Venus is in sixth house, eight house or twelfth house than you should know that karma balancing is going on. Stay calm and try your best for a meaningful, long-lasting and successful relation but if things don't go as planned do not get angry or frustrated. Once karma balancing is done things will be much better.

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