Astro Isha

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Indicators Of Weak Mars

     Mars is associated with courage, vigor and stamina. It gives muscular energy, athletic prowess, stardom in movies and heroic valor in wars. Body metabolism and adrenaline rush also occur due to Mars.

  1. A native with weak Mars has problem digesting food especially hot and spicy foods.
  2. They have a weak constituency and low resistance to pain and diseases.
  3. RBC (Red Blood Cells) count and blood in body are less than normal.
  4. Blood regularly flows out of his body due to injury, when shaving or when handling sharp objects.
  5. Weak Mars gives obese body as body metabolism is weak.
  6. Frequent Indigestion, acidity and flatulence(gas) are a sign of weak Mars.
  7. Marriage not taking place at appropriate age may also be a sign of weak Mars but it isn't always the case. Other planets may also delay marriage.
  8. Natives with weak Mars get tired and exhausted easily.
  9. Natives who are emotional mess, suffer from excessive hatred for long periods of time and can't get over hatred tend to have a weak Mars.
  10. Mars in Cancer Sign, Virgo Sign and Gemini Sign is weak.
Spiritual Remedies For Mars

     Praying to either Kartikeyan(Murugan), Hanuman or Ganesha would suffice. Hanuman has the necessary courage and wisdom that Mars natives need. Those who are employed could pray to Hanuman for necessary wisdom, health and courage to complete tasks at workplace. Ganesha is lord of ganas which signify impulses and desires. He is also God of wisdom and auspiciousness. The word Mars means good and auspicious. So prayers to Ganesha would be good especially for those with Mars in Cancer Sign, Virgo Sign and Gemini Sign who need some calmness and wisdom. But perhaps the most important of all prayers to Adi-Shakti or one of her forms should never be missed. You could pray to one of the three gods Kartikeyan, Hanuman or Ganesha depending on your line of work and likings but Adi-Shakti is absolute necessity. Mars is high octane masculine energy. The feminine qualities of Adi-Shakti like empathy, kindness, grace and tolerance are needed by angry, rash, insecure and self-indulgent natives with weak Mars.

     Normally prayers to one of the above mentioned Gods/Goddess would suffice. But if someone needs a quick remedy than the great sage Ved Vyas composed the Mangal Japa Mantra which goes as below:

Mangal Japa Mantra
धरणीगर्भ संभूतं विद्युत्कांति समप्रभम् |
कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं तं मंगलं प्रणाम्यहम्||

Dharani-garbha-sambhutam vidyut kanti-samaprabha|
Kumaram shakti-hastam ca mangalam pranamamy aham||

Mangal Gayatri Mantra
Om Angarkaya vidmahe, bhoomipalaya dhimahi, tanno Kujah prachodayat

Physical Remedies For Mars

     Pranayam like anulom vilom, brahmari and sheetali pranayam help calm the mind. The indigestion and flatulence can be cured by regular kapalbhati pranayam for five to ten minutes. Jogging and walking also help with weak Mars by aiding digestion and improving mood. Try not do heavy exercise or engage in competitive sports if your Mars is weak. A weak Mars native is unable to digest loss and his character is better suited for calm and pleasing activities.

Diet For Mars

     For those with weak Mars eating less food and diet low on salt is necessary to avoid indigestion. Acidity and flatulence can prop up anytime so avoid consuming too much spicy food and non-vegetarian food. Try not to drink too much water at night after meal as it slows down metabolism and secretion of digestive juices. Regularly eat cinnamom, garlic at night and drink lime water in morning. Food high on fiber and easy to digest like moong dal, spinach, corn flakes, oats and muesli are ideal to aid digestion. Consumption of panchamrit(mixture of yogurt, honey, sugar, ghee and milk) would also do wonders to aid digestion.

Donation Items For Mars

     Mars natives should donate red clothes to others. Donating blood once a month is ideal. Natives should also donate sweets especially to female members in family and to other pious widows and priestly women. Perhaps the most important is to try not to be angry and arrogant around others. Giving up your anger, jealousy and hatred would cure a weak Mars faster.

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