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     Education today implies degrees from schools, colleges and universities. Most job providers do not hire a person who hasn't cleared college. Not everyone in the world gets to have a college degree. Some poor souls fail to even pass schools. Most people would assume that people with low education would be stuck doing menial task for rest of their life. But fate doesn't count degrees when it give success and fame to an individual. Fate only counts the amount of hard work and effort put in by individual to succeed in life. Those who work hard would achieve success whether they have a degree or not.

     In astrology the Fourth House rules over basic education. School and college education is determined by strength in Fourth House. If there are aspects or placements of Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Mars or Sun than chances are person wouldn't have the necessary basic qualifications. He/She might be a drop-out and considered inferior by others around. Its one of the unfortunate scenarios of life that those with a bad Fourth House have to go through. Tenth House which deals with career is located seven houses away from Fourth House. So there are high chances that a bad planet which influences Fourth House and education would also influence the Tenth House and career. For example Mars+Sun in Fourth House would also cast a seventh aspect on the Tenth House of career. In this way the bad planets also have a say in career matter. But that is just part of the story.

     Other absolute fact of life is most enterpreneurs and geniuses have failed to clear basic education. Albert Einstein was an average child and failed to pass Math test in a college. He went on to give Theory of Relativity which made him a celebrity and earned him a Nobel. Einstein had Saturn+Sun aspecting his Fourth House which made his basic education difficult. Another genius named Thomas Edison couldn't read or write properly. He went on to invent light bulb which is super essential in our daily life today. Edison had Mars+Moon in Fourth House. Walt Disney had Sun+Mercury in Fourth House and couldn't read and write properly. Disney Pictures founded by him today owns half the entertainment industry including Pixar and Marvel. Enterpreneurs and tech giants like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are also drop-outs but no one calls them failures in life. Both have a problematic Fourth House which denies them basic education.

     One eternal truth that those with less education or bad Fourth House need to understand is a degree cannot make or break a person. Mars provides great knowledge about engineering and weapons. Saturn gives good technical knowledge. Ketu is interested in spirituality, astrology, human anatomy and mercenary work. Mercury knows a lot about communication and maths. Rahu allows a person to think out of box and has wonderful knowledge about occult, poisons and medicines. Sun excels in leadership roles and is able to bring the best out in others. All they require from individuals is hard work, patience, a vision for greatness and faith in their abilities. 

      There is no point in worrying if you have bad planets in Fourth House. There is also no point in worrying if you have less or no education. Because in life one gets many opportunities to have a crack at greatness. Unlike exams you don't pass or fail. In real life you just succeed or learn from failures. That is why those with less education should never feel down and strive even harder to become successful in life.

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