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Road To Easy Life

     Apart from JEE and NEET no other exam captures imagination of Indian students like UPSC exams. UPSC exam is a gateway to authority, big pay slip and associated comforts in India. All you need to do is clear Prelims, Mains and crack the interview and you will have a car with a chauffeur, big house with all amenities and all or most expenses covered by tax-payers money. The purpose of this article is not to argue about merits and demerits of this exam but rather check astrological probability of acheiving success in this exam.

Some Tough Stats

     Before going into astrological probability one needs to know the practical and statistical probability of clearing UPSC exams. There are about 1.1 million(11 lakh) candidates who applied for UPSC prelims in 2022 and less than a 1000 were selected for appointment in civil services. Add to that reservation quota and you know how tough it is to crack these exams. So even if astrologically there is a chance there is no guarantee you will be able to clear these exams.

Life Isn't Fair

     Cut-off marks of UPSC Prelims and Mains are far higher for students of general category. As such inspite of being more meritous of the post they are discarded in favor of those who belong to certain reserved sections of society.

Testing Ones Potential

     UPSC exams do give an excellent opportunity just like NEET or JEE to check ones potential. If you can clear UPSC Prelims than you are among the top ten percent of students throughout India. If you can clear UPSC Mains than you are perhaps among the top one percent of elites. Irrelevant of whether you get to work as a civil servant passing these exams can show your potential to future employers.

Horoscope Houses Dealing with UPSC

     Most astrologers look at fifth house which deals with knowledge and intellect to check chances of passing UPSC. Its definitely important but multiple house need to be analysed to check chances of clearing UPSC. And not just birth-time chart even transit chart requires strength cause there are about 1.1 million people appearing for the same exam. Below are the houses which play an important role in clearing UPSC exams:

Fourth House

     Fourth house decides basic education. Basically school and college degrees. The main criteria for appearing in UPSC exams is candidate must be a graduate from a good university. Other important point why fourth house is important is the seventh aspect on career house(tenth house). If there are benefic placements in fourth house which are aspecting career house than good education and easy going career is a high possibility.

Fifth House

     Fifth house is the house of knowledge and intellect. Most exams in UPSC Prelims and Mains require good general knowledge and keen intellect. Without blessings of fifth house passing preliminary exams will be very difficult. Either birth chart or atleast transit chart should have good fifth house if you wish to have any hope of clearing Prelims and Mains.

Sixth House

     Least expected but quite an important factor. Sixth house deals with enemies. Any native who appears in UPSC prelims is going to compete with atleast 1.1 million(11 lakh) other candidates to be chosen. A good sixth house in birth chart or transit chart is absolutely essential to succeed against other competitors. Career as IPS requires defense and dealing with internal and sometimes external enemies. And this is why sixth house becomes quite important for them as it grants them victory over enemies.


     Ascendant or first house defines physical appearance as well as mental characteristics. Right attitude and temperament is required to pass the interviews as well as other two exams. You can ace the Prelims and Mains due to other factors but the interviewer sees your attitude and confidence. Both right attitude and confidence are only possible by blessings of ascendant.

Third House

     Third house is the house of creative writing and communication. There is essay writing as part of Mains. And without blessings of third house a native won't be able to write a good essay. Good communication skills are also required the pass the UPSC interviews.

Dasha Periods

     Vimshottari Dasha periods are equally important. Dasha periods of Sun, Mars, Jupiter or Venus are far more likely to give you success in UPSC exams and become a civil servant. Sun and Mars Dasha are great for passing IAS and IPS respectively. Jupiter and Venus Dasha may allow to work in IFS or as a foreign diplomat or maybe as a advisor to ruling class.

     Mercury dasha is more likely to let you become a CA(Chartered Accountant) which is an equally tough exam or work as a lecturer in government colleges. Saturn loves working hard and hates easy life so Saturn dasha is less likely to let you succeed unless Saturn or other factors in horoscope are in good condition. Rahu loves out of box thinking and would hate mundane desk jobs. Ketu loves spirituality and would rather frustrate you and give you tough spiritual lessons rather than give you comforts and pleasures.

Horoscope Houses For IFS and IPS

     Those working in IFS(Indian Foreign Service) require a good ninth house which deals with long-distance travels and fortune. Sometimes connection between fortune house(ninth house) and house of gains(eleventh house) can also indicate person who enjoys authority and privileges on foreign shores.

     IPS(Indian Police Service) requires a good Mars who excels in defense and equally strong Sun who provides authority and associated prestige. Good tenth house which deals with career and good sixth house which deals with service are also essential.

Truth Bomb

     Most clients who come to know about astrological probability of passing UPSC have no clue about the amount of hard work required to pass the exams. Clearing UPSC is perhaps as difficult if not more difficult as passing NEET and becoming a MBBS. Or perhaps equivalent to passing JEE Advanced and passing from IIT. Even if astrology shows chances of becoming a civil servant clearing UPSC is altogether different scenario.

Lots of Alternatives

     Some people waste five to seven years of their life trying to clear UPSC exams. Fixation with becoming a government babu(civil servant) needs to go away especially after a few failed attempts. As lucrative as job in civil service is there are other alternatives which are just as good or perhaps far more better.

     Sometimes horoscope shows far more potential in other areas. And if a person work equally hard in these areas as passing UPSC exams than horoscope has to show them success, recognition and associated privileges. Today owning a business or working for top MNC's gives equal or perhaps far more privileges than a IAS or IPS person can avail. Perhaps owning a successful business also guarantees a smooth life for children and grand children.

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