Astro Isha

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Classical Paradox

     Astrology is a classic paradox. Sometimes the most absurd of theories appear to be true. Normally astrologers would look at fifth house for education as it is house of knowledge and intelligence. Some modern day astrologers would look at fourth house which deals with basic education in schools and colleges. But what if someone said that studying Cancer Sign is equally important even if it doesn't influence fourth or fifth house? Most astrologers would call it silly.

     Sometimes seeing is believing. Below are few examples when bad influences on Cancer Sign lead to incomplete education.

Gautam Adani

     Gautam Adani dropped out of college in his second year and pursued his business aspirations. His fourth house and fifth house are quite strong. He was a brilliant student in academics and is a very wise man due to them. But still he had to drop-out. That's cause Cancer Sign which is in his tenth house has aspect of Saturn and Mars and placement of Rahu+Venus. Three malefics influence namely Mars, Saturn and Rahu on Cancer didn't allow him to graduate even though he had quite a good academic record.

adani horo
adani horo
Bill Gates

    Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard. If you look at his fourth house there is Mars+Mercury in Virgo and aspect of Moon on it. His fifth house has exalted Saturn, own-sign Venus and debilitated Sun. So both fourth and fifth house are in decent condition. But his Cancer Sign which is located in second house has aspect of Saturn and Rahu. And the result is his incomplete education.

gates horo
gates horo
Mark Zuckerberg

    Mark Zuckerberg like Bill Gates is a harvard drop-out. Zuckerberg has no planets in fourth house and its lord Jupiter is doing Saraswati Yoga in ascendant. In fifth house he has exalted Sun doing Budh-Aditya Yoga with Mercury and Venus is another co-tenant. And there is aspect of Jupiter on it. Safe to say both his fourth house and fifth house are in fairly good condition. But his Cancer Sign is in eight house of despair and receives an aspect from Saturn. And Moon the lord of Cancer Sign is jammed between Mars and Saturn in his eleventh house of gains.

zuckurberg horo
zuckerberg horo
Diploma Pass

     Below horoscope is of an ordinary youngster who did his diploma after tenth board exams. And barely managed to pass the diploma. He has not applied for a degree course inspite of nearing twenty three years of age. If you look at his fourth house its fairly strong with aspect of Jupiter on own-sign Sagittarius. Even his fifth house has no planets and aspect of Rahu. Rahu's aspect can cause loss of focus but unlikely to cause problems in getting a degree. But if you look at his Cancer Sign there is aspect of Saturn and Mars on it. And Moon who lords Cancer is with Ketu and aspected by Saturn, Rahu and Mars. So the problems in graduation.

cancer horo
cancer horo
Not Always The Case

     There are always exception to the rules. And its unfair to blame Cancer Sign for incomplete education. Most times incomplete education is a result of having a bad fourth house. Sometimes its fifth house and bad influences on it which result in minimal intelligence which doesn't even let a person pass school and college.

     But it maybe a good idea to check influences on Cancer Sign before judging education levels. Sometimes a native may have good fourth house and fifth house but bad influences on Cancer Sign may limit his/her education.

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