Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

Retrograde Saturn In Aquarius

aquaSaturn will turn retrograde in Aquarius Sign between 29th June 2024 to around 15th November 2024. This is the last time Saturn will turn retrograde in Aquarius. During the retrograde transit there will also be a lunar eclipse on 25th September 2024 and a solar eclipse on 2nd October 2024. Furthermore transits of Sun, Mercury and Venus via Leo and debilitated Mars aspecting retrograde Saturn after 20th October 2024 can be quite challening for horoscope houses they influence. Horoscope house where Scorpio Sign is placed maybe worst hit as Rahu, Jupiter and retrograde Saturn will influence it.

General forecast for Saturn in Aquarius was provided earlier. Retrograde Saturn won't drastically change the general effects of Saturn's transit. It will most likely reinforce the notions and ideas associated with lessons during the transit.

Relearning Old Lessons

Saturn's job is to ensure personal growth of an individual via inducing pain and losses. Retrograde Saturn generally wants us to relearn the painful life lessons related to portfolio's of house where it is placed and aspects.

Some individuals may have forgotten or overlooked the life lessons that Saturn was teaching during the transit. So Saturn reintroduces them to the pain and troubles in order for them to learn and remember the lesson.

Aries Sign

ariesRetrograde Saturn will be in eleventh house and aspect the fifth house, first house and eight house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons related improving income and profits, working on side-income, investing long-term in stock markets, avoiding gambling, increasing knowledge, avoiding court cases and divorce, improving networking abilities and learning occults. Relationship with children, in-laws, friends and social contacts can have ups and downs. Health problems related to stomach, mental health, calf muscles, nervous system, lower back pain, constipation and buttocks can resurface.

Taurus Sign

taurusRetrograde Saturn will be in tenth house and aspect the fourth house, twelfth house and seventh house. Saturn probably want native to relearn important life lessons related to improving marriage and sex life, being more understanding with spouse and business partner, focus on business and career growth, improving work life balance, handling property, livestock and agriculture better, trying spiritual growth and handling personal/financial losses better. Relationship with parents, in-laws, superiors, co-workers, foreigners and spouse can have ups and downs. Problems and disease related to knee joints, heart, upper abdomen, kidneys and urinary tract can resurface.

Gemini Sign

geminiRetrograde Saturn will be in ninth house and influnece the eleventh house, third house and sixth house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons related to higher education and writing dissertation for students, planning travels better, improving relationship with siblings, subordinates and mentors, working harder to get desired jobs, improving productivity in service role, improving relationship with siblings, mentors, friends and networking contacts as well as working on ways to improve communication and business profits. Relationship with mentors, professors, teachers, friends, siblings, siblings-in-law as well as subordinates can have ups and downs. Problems and disease related to lungs, nervous system, intestine, legs especially thighs and calf muscles and breathing problems can resurface.

Cancer Sign

cancerRetrograde Saturn will be in eight house and aspect tenth house, second house and fifth house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons related to dealing with death, despair and divorce, reacting better to adversities in life, focusing on career growth, improving relationship with family members, in-laws, children, superiors and co-workers, having insurance to cover accidents, paying taxes on time, avoiding gambling as well as investing long-term in stock markets. Relationship with family members, in-laws, children, bosses and co-workers can have ups and downs. Problems and disease related to lower back pain, constipation, knee joints, stomach aliments especially flatuluence, IBS and GERD, teeth and mouth problems can resurface.

Leo Sign

leoRetrograde Saturn will in seventh house and influence the ninth house, first house and fourth house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons related to improving marriage life, working out differences with spouse and business partner, focusing on business growth and expanding business on foreign soils, improving focus for higher and foreign education aspirants, remaining calm when depressed and disturbed and taking caution when buying property, improving productivity in farming and live stocks. Relationship with spouse, siblings-in-laws, mentors, mother and father-in-law can have ups and downs. Problems and disease related to mental health, stones or infection in kidneys and urinary tract, fracture in thighs, heart blockage and breathing problems can resurface.

Virgo Sign

virgoRetrograde Saturn will be in sixth house and aspect the eight house, twelfth house and third house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons about working harder to get dream job, increasing productivity in job role, ignoring detractors, managing finances and debts better, staying calm in case of personal losses, improving relationship with siblings, in-laws, subordinates and neighbors. Relationship with in-laws, subordinates, neighbors, siblings as well as enemies can have ups and downs. Problems and disease related to intestine, lower back pain, constipation, lung disorders, breathing problems and feet can resurface.

Libra Sign

libraRetrograde Saturn will be in fifth house and influence seventh house, eleventh house and second house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons related to avoiding gambling, focusing on long-term stock investments, improving knowledge, working on relationship with spouse, friends, family members and business partners, increasing business productivity and profits, avoiding litigation cases, improving savings and improving business connections. Relationship with spouse, children, family members, social circles and friends will have their ups and downs. Disease related to stomach, kidneys, urinary tract, legs especially calf muscles, teeth or mouth can resurface.

Scorpio Sign

scorpioSaturn will be in fourth house and aspect sixth house, tenth house and first house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons related to improving work life balance, taking precautions before buying property, avoiding loans and debts, taking better care of health especially mental health, focusing on inner peace, working harder to get desired service roles, increasing productivity in service role and focusing on career growth. Relationship with mother, father, in-laws, detractors, maternal uncle/aunts, bosses and co-workers can have their ups and downs. Problems and disease related to heart blockage, chest infection, swelling in intestine, other problems in intestine, pain in knee joints and mental health problems can resurface.

Sagittarius Sign

sagSaturn will be in third sign and aspect fifth house, ninth house and twelfth house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons related to improving communication and writing skills, improving marriage intimacy for couples while increase spirituality for older natives, focusing on studies for higher and foreign education aspirants, avoiding controversies on social media, avoiding gambling and instead focusing on long term stock investments, planning travels better, avoiding travels to dangerous locations, improving relationship with siblings, neighbors and siblings as well as dealing better with personal and financial losses. Relationship with siblings, neighbors, mentors, sibings-in-laws and children can have its share of ups and downs. Problems and disease related to breathing, lung disorders, stomach problems especially flatuelence, IBS and GERD, fracutures in thighs and feet as well as insomina can resurface.

Capricorn Sign

capSaturn will be in second house and aspect fourth house, eight house and eleventh house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons related to improving relationship with family members especially mother, mending broken friendships, improving networking, managing finance and savings better, increasing income sources, avoiding tax problems and buying life insurances. Relationship with family members especially mother, in-laws, friends and social contacts can have its share of ups and downs. Problems and disease related to teeth, mouth, heart blockage, chest region, lower back pain, constipation, buttocks, nervous sytem and calf region of legs can resurface.

Aquarius Sign

aquaSaturn will be in first house and aspect third house, seventh house and tenth house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn importance of self discipline, staying calm under pressure, staying mentally strong, improving communication, avoiding controversies on social media, improving relationship with spouse, running business and partnership, focusing on career, delegating job responsibilities with co-workers and trusting office colleagues. Relationship with spouse, siblings, neighbors, business partners, office colleagues and superiors can have its share of ups and downs. Disease related to mental health, head injuries, tumors in head region, lung disorders, breathing problems, kidney problems, UTI, problems in urinary tract and knee joint problems can resurface.

Pisces Sign

piscesSaturn will be in twelfth house and aspect second house, sixth house and ninth house. Saturn probably wants native to relearn important life lessons related to dealing with losses both financial and personal, improving relationship with family, learning new ways to save money, dealing with debts and enemies, focusing on health, improving focus in studies especially for Phd. and Masters students, reconnecting with spiritual and religious side. Relationship with family members, uncles/aunts on both sides, mentors and gurus can have ups and downs. Those living abroad may encounter problems with foreigners. Problems and disease related to teeth, mouth, intestine, thighs and feet can resruface.

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