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Jupiter Enters Taurus

ariesJupiter enters Taurus Sign around 1st May 2024 and stays until around 14th May 2025. Taurus is lorded by Venus who Jupiter considers as an enemy. Over and above Jupiter who has excess of space element feels highly uncomfortable in Taurus which has excess of earth element. Taurus rules southern direction and there is already acute water shortage in southern states of India even before Jupiter enters Taurus. Things will only get worse in next year.

There is a chance for earthquakes, land cyclones as well as water scarcity in various parts of the world. Earthquake can cause huge devastation and loss of lives. Jupiter's transit via Krittika and Mrigashira can cause less rainfall and reserve water to dry up. Jupiter's transit via Rohini may give adequate rainfall. Still overall rainfall can be less than expected in many regions. Heavy influences on Scorpio can cause huge casualities due to toxic waste or via water borne disease.

Jupiter's transit via Taurus will be tough for Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius ascendants as Jupiter travels via dushamsthanas for them. Jupiter's transit is somewhat favorable for Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo ascendants as transit is via trines for them.

Note: Following predictions are for Moon Sign based on Vedic Astrology. It can also be used as a reference point for Ascendant Signs.

Aries Sign

ariesJupiter's transit via second house is ideal to improve relationship with family members, bosses, co-workers and in-laws. There are chances of more job responsibilities being assigned at workplace. Job seekers may also slightly benefit from Jupiter's aspect. Its also an ideal time to invest long-term in gold and good financial schemes. On downside health condition of native or family members can cause hospital stay and loss of savings. Jupiter may provide some relief to those fighting court cases although chances of verdict against Arians are more due to influence of Saturn and Rahu on eight house. Those giving oral exams/interviews and involved in competitive sports/exams may benefit from Jupiter's influence.

Taurus Sign

taurusJupiter even in enemy sign promotes positivity. As such transit via ascendant can improve mental health and physical well-being. Long-term investors in stock markets stand to gain from this transit. Jupiter's aspect is ideal for couples planning children. Some care advised for pregnant females due to Rahu and Ketu's influence. There is also a chance for long-distance spiritual and romantic travels via land/air route. Jupiter's aspect is somewhat ideal for those planning to do Masters, Phd. and Post Grad. On downside this transit can promote obesity as well as problems in stomach and knee joints. Those planning to get married or start a business or partnership should probably avoid until Mid-October 2025 as Saturn and Rahu also influence seventh house. Minor relief possible for business and marriage due to Jupiter's friendly influence on seventh house.

Gemini Sign

geminiJupiter's transit via twelfth house of losses can be challenging time for Gemini natives. There are chances of debts and heavy financial losses especially for those who do gambling, speculation, sports betting or have huge loans to be repaid. Chances of personal losses via loss of a loved one also not ruled out. Health can deteriorate and chances of hospital stay are not ruled out especially for those with obesity and diabetes. On bright side there can be minor relief for those working in stable jobs. Job seekers will find it difficult to get desired jobs due to Saturn and Rahu's influence although Jupiter's friendly aspect may help even if only a little. Those troubled by court cases can see end to their ordeal. There is also a chance to gain alimony or inheritance for few.

Cancer Sign

cancerJupiter's transit via eleventh house of gains may provide promotions and pay raise for those doing jobs. Those looking to open, expand or promote their business can do so during this transit. Jupiter's friendly aspect can help couples planning children. Having said that extreme care required for pregnant females due to Saturn and Rahu's influence. Those investing in stock markets should opt for sensible long-term investments. Otherwise chances of heavy financial losses not ruled by June 2025. Jupiter will help improve relationship with spouse, friends, siblings and business partners. Jupiter may also help repair relationship with children. Jupiter's aspect even if weak may help natives improve romance and understanding in marriage and help singles marry and settle down.

Leo Sign

leoJupiter's transit via tenth house of career is surprisingly good for career related to finance, banking, speaking and singing. There are chances of better job opportunities for job seekers. Those in service sector see more job responsibilities assigned and better co-ordination with others at workplace. Jupiter will provide minor relief to students in schools and colleges who are being troubled by Saturn and Rahu's negative influence. Although Jupiter is favorable still caution is advised for those planning to buy home or luxury cars due to Saturn and Rahu's negative influence. Relationship with boss, co-workers and subordinates can improve during this transit. On downside there are chances of loss of savings due to family or health issues. Chances of debts are there especially for those who have huge loans to be repaid or health complications. Its important to invest savings in mutual funds, gold and good financial schemes.

Virgo Sign

virgoJupiter's influence over ninth house of fortune can help students doing Post Grad, Masters and Phd. Jupiter's aspect on ascendant may promote positivity and clarity of thoughts via spirituality and meditation. Jupiter will favor long-distance spiritual and romantic travels via land route. Jupiter's influence on third house may help negate some of the bad influence of Saturn and Rahu which is causing problems with siblings, short travels, daily commute and communication. Couples planning to have a child can have better prospects during this transit although some care is still advised. Couples can increase romance and singles have slight chance of finding new love interest. Relationship with children and spouse's siblings can also improve during this transit.

Libra Sign

leoJupiter's transit via eight house of transformation will invite problems for Librans. Chances of heavy financial losses not ruled out. There are also chances of personal loss via losing a loved one. On bright side there is a chance to gain inheritance, alimony or insurance money. Those who are thinking of buying house or luxury vehicle may also benefit from this transit. Jupiter's influence on second house can cause health complications in teeth, mouth and neck region. Those with problems in buttocks and excretary organs need to consult doctor in case of discomfort as Jupiter influences both eight house and eight sign(Scorpio). There are chances of income tax raids which can trouble Librans having hidden assets. Saturn and Rahu's negative influence may have been causing problems related to savings and family members. Jupiter's aspect provides minor relief in these matters.

Scorpio Sign

leoJupiter's transit via seventh house for Scorpions is ideal for business and marriage. Jupiter's aspect on ascendant provides some relief from stress and anxiety induced by Saturn and Rahu's negative influence. There can be better understanding and improvement in communcation with spouse and business partners. Relationship with friends, siblings and social circles can also improve. Business can undergo expansion and see rise in profits. There is slight chance for promotion and pay raise in job sector. Chances of relocation and short travels are not ruled out during this transit. On downside Jupiter may promote obesity. Those with tumors, lung disorders and problems in kidneys and urinary tract need to be extra-careful in this transit.

Sagittarius Sign

sagJupiter's transit via sixth house of debts and disease can be challenging for Sagittarians. Saturn and Rahu are already influencing twelfth house of losses and Jupiter's aspect is like adding salt to the wound. There are chances of both financial and personal losses. Native can see loss of savings due to health and family issues. Its absolutely important for Sagittarians to avoid gambling, sports betting and speculation in stock markets otherwise heavy financial losses and major debts are all but certain. On the bright side its a favorable transit for job seekers and those in service sector. There are more job responsibilities assigned and better co-ordination possible with others at workplace. Natives looking to migrate and work abroad can also do so but challenges do remain on foreign soil. Those with diabetes, obesity and liver problems need to exercise and control their diet otherwise hospital stay is a possibility.

Capricorn Sign

capJupiter's transit via fifth house of romance is ideal for those seeking love and companionship. Couples can increase romance and passion in their life. Jupiter's transit will also help couples who are planning to become proud parents. Long-term stock market investments done previously can provide good returns. Its also ideal to invest long-term in quality stocks. Jupiter's influence on ascendant can increase optimism and confidence. Income can slightly improve for those with stable jobs. Those in business sector and unstable jobs may not get desired effects due to Saturn and Rahu's influence on eleventh house of income. Jupiter's aspect can also help those doing Post Grad, Masters and Phd. Its an ideal transit to go on long-distance travels. On downside Jupiter's aspect can promote obesity and also create problems related to stomach especially gas and acid reflux. Those with tumor, mouth, knee and liver problems also need to be careful.

Aquarius Sign

aquaJupiter's transit via fourth house is ideal for those wanting to buy/rent house or purchase luxury vehicle. Aquarians working from home, in agriculture and dairy industry also stand to gain from this transit. Jupiter's aspect may slightly reduce stress and problems at workplace although Saturn and Rahu's influence means total relief not possible. Those fighting court cases may need to give alimony or fine as part of settlement. Those fighting property cases would most likely face loses. Its an ideal year for those wishing to migrate and settle abroad or purchase land on foreign soil. Chances of financial or personal loss not entirely ruled out. In case of personal loss there is a chance to gain considerable inheritance.

Pisces Sign

piscesJupiter will transit via third house for Pisceans. Jupiter's aspect on seventh house along with influence of Rahu and Ketu can help Pisceans who wish to marry and settle down. Its an ideal transit to improve relationship with spouse, siblings, neighbors and friends. Jupiter's aspect may slightly help those doing Post Grad, Masters and Phd. who are suffering due to Rahu and Ketu's negative influence. On downside those with lung disorders, problems in kidneys, urinary tract and knee problems can see their problems worsen. There is a chance for job relocation or extreme discomfort in day to day travels. Long-distance travels should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. Those who wish to open or expand business and partnership can do so on an auspicious day. Slight chance of increase in business profits as well as promotions and pay raise for those doing service roles. Its also an important transit for those wishing to market and promote their business as well as those looking to increase business reach via social connections.

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