Astro Isha

Site on Vedic Astrology

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus

ariesJupiter will turn retrograde in Taurus between 9th October 2024 to 4th February 2025. Jupiter is not comfortable in Taurus Sign which is lorded by his enemy Venus. Taurus rules the southern direction and Jupiter's transit has ensured uneven rainfalls and even droughts and severe food shortage in southern parts of Africa as well as certain parts of South America. Retrograde transit may perhaps lessen the burden on southern hemisphere and bring adequate to extensive rainfall for them.

Jupiter is the planet of abundance and sometimes retrograde transit can give unexpected success. Most troublesome part is retrograde aspect of Jupiter on Scorpio Sign. That's cause retrograde Saturn and Rahu are already aspecting Scorpio Sign. Readers are requested to avoid any major plans related to horoscope house where Scorpio Sign is placed atleast until Mid-November 2024.

Note: Following predictions are for Moon Sign based on Vedic Astrology. It can also be used as a reference point for Ascendant Signs.

Aries Sign

ariesJupiter's retrograde transit can give sudden gains especially those who have previously invested in gold, insurance schemes and mutual funds. Chances of accidents, injuries, untimely death in family, losses in courts or income tax raids possible due to afflictions to eight house esecially until Mid-November. There can be some relief from debts especially for Arians who live a frugal lifestyle. Career can see unexpected gains and promotions especially career which involves speech during retrograde transit.

Taurus Sign

taurusImportant for Taurans not to over-estimate themselves during retrograde transit and remain humble. Stock markets can give unexpected gains especially long-term investments. Those having problems in marriage and business partnership need to be extra-careful until Mid-November atleast. Business can show losses and unexpected setbacks. Those planning to go on long-distance travels should probably take more money as chances of unaccounted expenditures are there on travels. Those with frequent headache, vertigo, dizziness or blurred vision should get in touch with doctor immediately.

Gemini Sign

geminiThere can be unexpected losses for Geminians both financial and personal. On bright side sudden and unexpected gains via insurance policy, court case settlement or via inheritance not ruled out. Its a tough time for Geminian job seekers especially until Mid-November 2024. Those working in hospitals, pharmacy, chemicals and toxin related jobs need to be extra-careful and avoid burnout. Those with considerable debts should avoid financial shortcuts and availing any new loans. Those planning to buy house or luxury vehicles should either avoid during retrograde transit or chose an auspicious day.

Cancer Sign

cancerThere can be sudden and unexpected increase in income via promotions. Business can see unexpected gains and increase in orders. Extreme caution required for those involved in gambling, stock trading and speculation. There are chances of get togethers with siblings, cousins and neighbors. Business can see improvement via effective marketing and advertisement. Effective communication can help repair relationship with spouse and business partners. Relationship with children can have its share of problems especially until Mid-November 2024.

Leo Sign

leoThere are chances of increased job responsibilities paving the way for eventual promotion. There can be better co-ordination with others at workplace. Those struggling to get jobs may also get a good job offer. Those with health complications especially related to obesity, mouth, neck and knee joints may require surgery and hospital stay. Important to avoid buying luxury vehicles, purchasing house or buying new land until Mid-May 2025. Important to avoid loans especially gold loans during retrograde transit of Jupiter. Relationship at home with family members can be adversely impacted by work pressure.

Virgo Sign

virgoSpiritual travels and sojourns can help improve mood, increase spirituality and help native destress. Unexpected travels can cause expenditures to rise. Job relocation and short travels can cause extreme discomfort especially until Mid-November 2024. There can be unexpected profits from stock market investment and trading. There is a chance to increase romance and passion with spouse/lover as well as improve relationship with children. Those with stomach problems, problems in thighs and head region as well those with vision probems need to consult doctor immediately.

Libra Sign

leoThere are chances of sudden financial gains via inheritance, insurance or alimony especially for female natives. On downside there are also chances of individual losses either via losing a loved one or possible divorce from spouse. Relationship with family members can be negatively impacted. Important to avoid buying gold or investing in ponzi financial schemes until Mid-May 2025. Those entangled in property dispute may see a favorable verdict. Those who are keeping black money as hidden assets may stand exposed by income tax raids. Important to avoid buying house or luxury vehicles on loans during retrograde transit.

Scorpio Sign

leoThere are chances of unexpected gains in business and partnership via effective marketing. Mental health problems can increase and time until Mid-November 2024 is extremely troublesome. Afterwards though mental health can improve slowly and gradually. Those who have history of tumor, lumps or bad eyesight need to consult doctor immediately at slightest discomfort. There can be unexpected get togethers with siblins, cousins and neighbors as well as short travels on cards. Chances of job relocation are not ruled out especially after 21st October 2024.

Sagittarius Sign

sagJob seekers can get unexpected job proposals and chance to work for reputed companies. Health problems, court cases and gambling can cause considerable loss of savings and huge financial losses. Time until Mid-May 2025 is tough for those who wish to migrate and settle abroad or those who have already settled abroad. Those with considerable debts should avoid any loans during retrograde transit of Jupiter. Paternal or maternal relatives living abroad may drop for a surprise visit. Relationship with superiors, colleagues and subordinates at workplace can improve.

Capricorn Sign

capThose involved in stock trading and speculation can see sudden unexpected gains especially after Mid-November 2024. Long-distance travels can cause unnecessary expenditure and loss of savings. There are chances of head injuries and swelling. Those with headache, tumor and lumps in head region may need surgical procedure. Foreign higher education aspirants should avoid January 2025 intake if possible. Relationship with children can improve. Romance and long-distance travels are extremely important for those with problems in marriage life.

Aquarius Sign

aquaThose involved in real estate, taxation, pharmacy, transportation and farming can see surprise gains during retrograde phase. Chances of gaining inheritance, alimony, settlement money or insurance money are there during retrograde transit. Those living abroad or planning to migrate abroad can see better prospects after October 2024. Those struggling in career may require to take a break atleast until Mid-November 2024. Those with excess workload may struggle with work life balance. Some may even have to quit jobs due to stress and anger issues. Problems with income tax officials and court cases can cause unnecessary stress.

Pisces Sign

piscesPisces ascendant should avoid marriage and starting new business during retrograde Jupiter. Those already married should plan short travels to improve communication and understanding. Long-distance travels can cause unnecessary expenditures and possible discomforts. Those planning higher education or foreign university should avoid January 2025 intake at all costs. Chances of promotions are there especially for those who work in communication, television and marketing sector. Effective marketing can lead to increased business profits. There can be communication gap with spouse, friends and business partner.

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