Check if you have Pushkala Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator
Pushkala Yoga is one of the yogas for wealth described in B V Raman's 300 Important Yogas. When lord of ascendant and Moon are in the the same sign. The lord of the sign where Moon is located should be in a friendly sign or in a quadrant and should aspect ascendant. Also the ascendant should have a strong planet in it.
As complicated as it sounds it is easy to simplify it using 3 basic rules
- Ascendant lord(ruling planet of 1st house) and Moon should be in the same sign
- The ruling planet of the sign where Moon is located should be in a friendly sign or quadrant and should aspect the ascendant. So if Moon is located in Pisces in the tenth house then lord of Pisces which is Jupiter should be located in seventh house and aspecting ascendant.
- Last condition is the first house or ascendant as it is called should have a very strong planet.

Native is blessed with wealth and fame, has refined speech and is honoured by the government.
All conditions are near impossible in a horoscope. But even if some of the rules comply in a horoscope it is a great thing to have. A strong planet in first house like exalted Jupiter could ward off all other problematic combinations in horoscope, an exalted Sun in first house could bless native with health and leadership qualities, an exalted Saturn in first house produces a great leader while an exalted Mars produces an achiever who is worshipped by masses. Moon and ascendant lord in same sign suggests synchronization of mind, emotions and body.
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