Check if you have Laxmi Yoga: Astro Yoga Calculator
Laxmi Yoga is one of the wealth yogas described in B V Raman's 300 Important Yogas. If the ascendant lord(ruling planet of first house) is powerful and the lord of ninth house occupies own sign or exalted sign in a one of the quadrants or trine houses then the resultant yoga is called Laxmi Yoga. Laxmi Yoga is also caused if lord of ninth house and Venus are in own sign or exalted sign.

The person will be wealthy, noble and learned. Native with Laxmi Yoga has a good reputation and is a person of high integrity and moral values. Native would be attractive, a good leader and would be able to enjoy all the pleasures and comforts of life.
There are only few conditions for this yoga to happen.
- The ascendant lord must be strong. Hopefully in a quadrant or trine and in own or exaltion sign to give best results. Laxmi Yoga would also provide good results if ascendant is in friendly sign in a quadrant or trine.
- Ninth house lord should be in exalted or own sign in a quadrant or trine.
- If Venus along with ninth house lord is strong in a quadrant or trine.
The second condition is mandatory for Laxmi Yoga to fructify. One of the other two conditions is enough to give fruits of Laxmi Yoga. Having said that if a horoscope has second and third conditions fructifying in horoscope then he would fare better as compared to those with condition one and second present in horoscope. Venus is the significator for luxury and riches so it is only natural that it gives a better Laxmi Yoga.
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